Librarian Pro 5.0 Mac 破解版 多媒体信息收集管理应用


2019-04-15 2,186 百度已收录

Librarian Pro for Mac是一款运行在Mac平台上的多媒体信息收集管理软件,Librarian Pro Mac版可以轻松帮您管理各类信息媒体,管理图书,杂志,游戏,软件标题等。

[Librarian Pro 在Mac App Store售价29人民币]

Librarian Pro 5.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

Librarian Pro帮助您管理您的藏书,杂志,游戏,CD,软件标题,和电影。它可以帮助您快速清点和检索信息。


Librarian Pro还支持从其他编目应用程序中导入内容,如DelodeLibrary和DVDpedia。图书管理员Pro的数据库完全兼容MacOSX和Windows版本。此外,一个许可证将授予两个应用程序副本的激活。下载免费的十五天试用,并有平静返回到您的媒体收藏。

What's New in Librarian Pro

Version 4.0.9:

Important Note:
  • Amazon discontinued their Product Advertising API for all calls that are not revenue generating as of January 23, 2019. We are looking for an Amazon replacement and hope to have something soon. Until then, Web Finder will not function
New Features:
  • Added BestBuy, UPC Database, Google Books, Good Reads, Open Library, OMB and Walmart to our Web Finder feature to help auto-fill details now that Amazon is essentially dead! This was a monumental effort, but we now have a great framework to continue adding more in the future. Unfortunately, these services do not offer the same level of detail Amazon did, but it is the best that exists so far as an alternative.
  • Numerous other small bug fixes.
  • Fixed crash when accessing camera.
  • Updated Chart Director plugin from MBS license.

What's New in Librarian Pro

Version 4.0.5:

Bug Fix:
  • Fixed issue with License menu disappearing
Librarian Pro 5.0 Mac 破解版 多媒体信息收集管理应用-麦氪派

Librarian Pro 5.0 Mac 破解版 下载

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