Letterspace for Mac 1.7.2 破解版 – 支持Markdown的备忘录


2017-08-23 3,271 百度已收录

Letterspace 是一款Mac上支持Markdown的备忘录,和Mac系统自带的备忘录很像,但却支持Markdown语言以及更强大的搜索功能,三栏布局,iCloud同步,很不错!

[Letterspace 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]

Letterspace for Mac 1.7.2 介绍

Letterspace is a multi-platform, cloud-syncing note-taking app with Markdown, #hashtag, and @mention support. Easily organize notes and even create to-do lists with Letterspace.

Think about all of the notes you have to take on a daily basis. It's something we all do. Good note taking is based on being able to get your thoughts and ideas on the page quickly and efficiently. Letterspace doesn't distract you. It provides a noise free space to jot things down. So simple, so powerful.

Key Features
  • Beautiful markdown syntax highlighting.
  • Notes with #hashtag and @mention are grouped together in Sidebar.
  • Press ⌘⇧O to open note using keyword search.
  • iCloud keep your notes up to date across all your devices.
  • 4 Purchasable colour themes: Cobalt Blue, Matcha Green, Charcoal, and Dark Side.
Letterspace for Mac 1.7.2 破解版 – 支持Markdown的备忘录-麦氪派
Letterspace for Mac 1.7.2 破解版 – 支持Markdown的备忘录-麦氪派
Letterspace for Mac 1.7.2 破解版 – 支持Markdown的备忘录-麦氪派
Letterspace for Mac 1.7.2 破解版 – 支持Markdown的备忘录-麦氪派
Letterspace for Mac 1.7.2 破解版 – 支持Markdown的备忘录-麦氪派

Letterspace for Mac 1.7.2 下载

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