LaunchBar 6.11.1 Mac 破解版 优秀的应用快速启动效率工具


2019-04-30 3,360 百度已收录

LaunchBar 是一款 Mac 上优秀的应用快速启动工具,类似系统自带的 Spotlight 或知名的Alfred,支持多种主题,支持快速搜索和启动应用程序、文件、联系人、书签、音乐库、搜索引擎等,非常不错的一款效率工具!

[LaunchBar 在官网售价 32.52 美元]

LaunchBar 6.11.1 Mac 破解版 介绍




What's New in LaunchBar

Version 6.11.1:

  • Re-added missing „Search Dash" action

Version 6.10:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.10 or later

Compatibility with macOS Mojave

This version of LaunchBar is compatible with macOS Mojave, but due to improved privacy protection in macOS Mojave, some LaunchBar features require additional permissions to be granted in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy:

  • Indexing of Safari Bookmarks requires LaunchBar to be added to "Full Disk Access". Otherwise LaunchBar won’t be able to read the bookmarks file, which is located in your Library folder.
  • Instant Send and Get/Drop Finder Selection require LaunchBar to be added to "Accessibility". Otherwise LaunchBar won’t be able to simulate a Command-C keystroke, which is necessary for reading the currently selected text or file.
  • The Clipboard History also requires LaunchBar to be added to "Accessibility". Otherwise LaunchBar won’t be able to simulate a Command-V keystroke, which is necessary when inserting data from the Clipboard History in other applications.
Dark Mode support

LaunchBar now supports Dark Mode in macOS Mojave. Note that the appearance of LaunchBar’s main interface is still determined by the selected theme, independent from the current system appearance. So if you’ve selected the Dark Mode in Mojave, you can choose one of the dark themes in LaunchBar (Dark or Base Dark).

In a future update there will be an option to automatically change LaunchBar’s theme in accordance with the current system appearance (provided that the chosen theme also provides a dark variant).

Other changes
  • LaunchBar 6.10 now requires at least OS X 10.10 or later. If you are running an older OS version, you can download a compatible version here.

Version 6.9.5:

Compatibility with 1Password 7
  • 请注意:使用当前密码7版本,通过启动栏打开登录需要1个密码已经解锁。如果它被锁定,则不会提示您输入主密码,并且登录尝试悄然失败。这个问题将解决与更新1密码很快。同时,作为一种解决方案,在打开LabCar之前,请确保在打开一个登录之前先打开一个密码(例如单击菜单栏中的“1-密码”图标)。
  • 如果在计算机上安装了7密码和6版本的1密码,则默认情况下,启动栏将对新版本的项目进行索引。如果您喜欢访问版本6的数据,则可以取消索引窗口的选项窗格中的“首选最新版本的1密码”选项。
Other improvements and bug fixes
  • 增加对塔3访问库的支持
  • 修正了在使用/库/应用程序支持/启动条/计算器中使用自定义BC定义文件时启动栏内置计算器的问题
  • 固定:生日的索引可能会失败,如果一个联系人链接多个帐户。
LaunchBar 6.11.1 Mac 破解版 优秀的应用快速启动效率工具-麦氪派

LaunchBar 6.10 Mac 破解版 下载

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