LaunchBar for Mac 6.9 破解版 – 优秀的应用快速启动效率工具


2017-06-26 3,456 百度已收录

LaunchBar 是一款 Mac 上优秀的应用快速启动工具,类似系统自带的 Spotlight 或知名的Alfred,支持多种主题,支持快速搜索和启动应用程序、文件、联系人、书签、音乐库、搜索引擎等,非常不错的一款效率工具!

[LaunchBar 在官网上售价29欧元,约合人民币290元]

LaunchBar for Mac 6.9 介绍

LaunchBar is an award-winning productivity utility that offers an amazingly intuitive and efficient way to search and access any kind of information stored on your computer or on the Web. It provides instant access to your applications, documents, contacts, and bookmarks, to your music library, to search engines and more, just by entering short abbreviations of the searched item's name.

You just hit Command-Space to bring LaunchBar's input window to front, enter an arbitrary abbreviation, and as soon as you start typing LaunchBar displays the best matching choices, ready to be opened immediately.

Start applications, open documents, invoke system services, compose emails, or navigate the Web--LaunchBar will be your essential servant.


Version 6.9:

  • Re-organized Themes.
  • Changed Default Theme. The previous default theme is still available (it has been renamed to "Base").
  • Improved legibility in the new Default Theme.
  • Modernized design of the index window.
Things 3 Integration
  • Added support for Things 3.
  • Much improved "Add to Things" action. The action now accepts multiple lines (typically via Send to) to generate multiple to-tos, one for each line. Provides feedback via user notification, describing what has been added.
  • Added actions for opening lists in Things 3 (Inbox, Today, Upcoming, Anytime, Someday). These actions are accessible either directly via abbreviation search, or by browsing the Things application (select Things in LaunchBar and press Right Arrow).
1Password Integration
  • Improved 1Password indexing.
  • Improved opening 1Password logins.
  • Removed legacy support for 1Password versions before 6.5.
Other Improvements
  • Standard "Natural Scrolling" behavior in search result list.
  • Improved URL input when entering a colon while the TLD is selected. This now inserts the colon before the trailing slash. Makes it easier to enter port numbers, like in
  • Improved searching within results of custom actions.
  • Improved Emoji skin tone support.
  • Improved Instant Calculate to ignore IPv4 addresses.
  • Disabled actions are no longer shown when browsing an application’s associated actions.
  • Fixed handling of "actionArgument" in JavaScript based custom actions.
  • Improved Safari Tabs action to work with Safari opened full screen on a different space.
  • Fixed incorrect display of reminder item priorities.
  • Fixed DuckDuckGo action. Due to a bug introduced in macOS 10.12.5 the search result wasn’t opened in the default browser (e.g., Safari) but in some other browser (e.g., Firefox).
  • Fixed "Send iMessage" action (stopped working due to a bug in macOS 10.12.5).
LaunchBar for Mac 6.9 破解版 – 优秀的应用快速启动效率工具-麦氪派

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