Later for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 时间提醒、日程安排


2016-11-08 3,118 百度已收录

Later 是一款简单快捷的日程提醒软件,您可以通过选择今天晚上,明天上午或下周的时间以自然的方式安排提醒。

[Later 在Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

Later for Mac 1.0.1 介绍

Later lets you schedule reminders in natural way by choosing times like this evening, tomorrow morning or next week.

  • Reminders that appear when you're back at your Mac
  • Free iOS app that syncs with your Mac app via iCloud
  • Customizable presets that save you time
  • Ready for macOS Sierra

If you send an email to yourself whenever you want to schedule a reminder or find that other reminder apps just have too many options to add a simple reminder, Later app will be ideal for you.

Later for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 时间提醒、日程安排-麦氪派
Later for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 时间提醒、日程安排-麦氪派
Later for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 时间提醒、日程安排-麦氪派

Later for Mac 1.0.1 下载

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