Kite Compositor for Mac 1.2 破解版 – 优秀的动画和原型设计工具


2017-04-26 3,653 百度已收录

Kite Compositor 是一款Mac上优秀的动画和原型设计工具,可用于为MacOS或iOS应用制作动画效果和原型,简单易用,很不错!

[Kite Compositor 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]

Kite Compositor for Mac 1.2 介绍

Kite Compositor lets you visually drag-and-drop layers to build complex interfaces on a WYSIWYG canvas. Add animations and tune them with the integrated timeline. Use the built-in JavaScript scripting environment to enhance the detail of each interaction. Incorporate custom logic and behavior to achieve exactly what you need.

  • Timeline - The integrated smart timeline allows you to drag and edit animation durations and keyframes. Snap animation start and end times together for a precise, hand-tuned feel.
  • Inspector - A robust and powerful object inspector allows you to edit all of your layers’ properties in just a few clicks. Set colors, ajust animation curves, add CoreImage filters - all at the click of a mouse.
  • Library - Drag-and-drop layers and animations from the library to build your interface visually. Save reuseable layer hierarchies into your library for easy component reuse.
  • Design on Mac, View on iOS - Are you ready to get a sense of how your designs feel on an actual iOS device? Download the native companion app, Kite Compositor for iOS.
  • Import from Sketch - Easily import your designs from Sketch with Kite's native import feature. Preserve editable bezier paths and text by importing your Sketch layers as native Kite layers.
  • Export - Share your designs by exporting a movie or gif recording of your animation.
  • Scriptable - Add sophisticated logic to your animations and interactions via the built-in JavaScript scripting engine. Query and make live edits to your running animation from the built-in JavaScript console. Fire animations, add new layers, change properties and much more.
  • Built on CoreAnimation - Kite was built from the ground up for Mac using macOS's native CoreAnimation technology. CoreAnimation is one of the key underpinning graphics technologies on Mac and iOS that produces stunning animations at high framerates.


Version 1.2:

  • PageLayers allow you to encapsulate a full page’s worth of interaction and easily animate between your pages using your own custom animations
  • The new ‘Transition to Page’ action lets you quickly add several types of pre-defined transition animations with customizable timing, duration, and speed
  • The ‘Transition to Layer’ action lets you quickly add layer-to-layer transition animations with customizable timing, duration, and speed
  • Inspector text fields now have a ‘scrub control’ on the left to scrub back and forth though values
  • The new ‘Run JavaScript’ action allows you to run a short snippet of JavaScript in response to an event without having to create a Script
  • New: A new type of layer, PageLayer, is available to ‘stand in’ for another whole page at design-time and is filled in with that page’s layers at presentation-time.
  • New: A ‘Transition to Page’ action is available to quickly add a transition animation between your document’s pages without having to create your own animations.
  • New: A ‘Transition to Layer’ action is available to add a transition effect between layers that are not achievable with Animations alone.
  • New: A ‘Run JavaScript’ action is available to allow you to run a short snippet of JavaScript in response to an event without having to create a Script.
  • New: Text fields in the Inspector now have a ‘Scrubber Control’ on the left that you can use to scrub back and forth between values. Having a dedicated control will prevent accidental scrubs that could occur with the old behavior when selecting text.
  • New: Now the ‘Pages’ tab will be the same width as the Pages pane when both are showing in the left source pane.
  • New: User-provided layer data (content in the Data inspector pane) will now be accessable via the JavaScript scripting engine with the property. You can call'myKey') to retrieve values.
  • Bug fix: Fixed anchor point toolbar button tooltip to the correct value - Thanks Amos!
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug where grouping layers would not preserve their ordering when on the same parent layer.
  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue where scrolling the Canvas List on the left may not maintain the correct scroll position when selecting a different canvas.
  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue where the layer list pane would grow very wide when switching to a new canvas in the canvas list.
  • Bug fix: User-provided layer data (content in the Data inspector pane) will now be copied when the layer is copied or duplicated
Kite Compositor for Mac 1.2 破解版 – 优秀的动画和原型设计工具-麦氪派

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