Kilohearts Toolbox Ultimate Mac 破解版 Kilohearts音乐插件合集包

音频插件 版本号:1.7.11

2019-11-18 1,074 百度已收录

Kilohearts Toolbox Ultimate是一款有多种音乐插件组成的音乐插件合集包,有了这些音乐工具,能够为大家的音乐创作提供许多便利。这款插件合集里涵盖了声音设计方面的所有内容,能够让大家将创意效果和实用工具完美融合,从而激发创作灵感。

[Kilohearts Toolbox Ultimate 在官网售价 499.00 美元]

Kilohearts Toolbox Ultimate 1.7.11 Mac 破解版 介绍


移出snapin生态系统之外,所有其他Kilohearts的插件仍以一种或另一种方式支持模块化工作流程(kHs ONE除外)。这就是为什么我们创建Kilohearts工具箱ULTIMATE的原因,它为您提供了我们发布的所有内容,因此您可以随心所欲地发挥创意。

来自世界各地的各种专业预设制作者和艺术家(其中大部分都是来自德国的偶然发现)探索这些插件中的数百种专业工厂预设。仅仅Just Phase Plant就有400多种精心策划的预设,可以让您从开始进行修改和创建自己的预设开始

Kilohearts Toolbox Ultimate 1.7.11 includes all the snapin hosts as well as all of our snapins. Experience the flexibility of endless combinations between the effects and the host plugins!

Moving outside of the snapin eco-system, all other Kilohearts’ plugins still support the modular workflow in one way or another (except kHs ONE). That’s why we created the Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE which gives you everything we ever released so you can get as creative as you like.

Explore the hundreds of professional factory presets throughout these plugins by various professional preset makers and artists from around the world (but mostly Germany by some fluke). Just Phase Plant alone has over 400 carefully curated presets to start you off before getting into modifying, and creating your own.

Check out the individual product pages for tips and tricks on usage, and check YouTube for user videos on the various plugins as there is plenty to learn.

Kilohearts Toolbox Ultimate Mac 破解版 Kilohearts音乐插件合集包-麦氪派

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