Jutoh 2.81 Mac 破解版 – 电子书设计编辑制作软件


2018-09-02 1,817 百度已收录

Jutoh 是一款电子书设计编辑制作软件,它可以很容易地创造流行的格式。通过现有的文件,使用新建项目向导,你可以在几秒钟内创建你的项目,或从头使用内置的样式文本编辑器,创造你的作品。通过内置的封面编辑器,你可以从Jutoh的模板或创建自己的封面。


Jutoh 2.81 Mac 破解版 介绍






Note: Now requires a 64-bit Intel processor

  • When creating a media document, you are now given the choice of creating a local resource from a file, or remote resource (URL) needed for creating Epub 3 files when you refer to a remote resource within arbitrary HTML.
  • When adding a word to the personal dictionary during a spell check, you can now choose to add the word to the project exceptions list (a special find and replace presets library called 'Spelling') or to the global personal dictionary. This behaviour can be changed via the new advanced setting Spell-check exceptions mode.
  • Fixed a bug whereby changing custom CSS for a style from project properties didn't 'stick'.
  • When editing a preset, the available styles are now present when choosing style search terms.
  • After editing a find and replace preset libary in Preferences, this name is available to Custom compile messages in advanced preferences without reopening the dialog.
  • Fixed bugs in specifying a named style for a new text box and changing border attributes when a named style has been specified.
  • Made the styles in the editor context menu alphabetically ordered with paragraph styles in their own submenu.
  • When removing a link, any bookmark in this fragment is no longer removed; similarly, removing a bookmark does not remove any link.
  • The shortcut for inserting or editing a URL is now Ctrl+K (for fresh installations), since this convention is used by various other applications.
Jutoh 2.81 Mac 破解版 – 电子书设计编辑制作软件-麦氪派

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