Jump Desktop 7 for Mac 7.0.4 破解版 – 最好用的远程桌面工具


2017-02-11 4,847 百度已收录

Jump Desktop 是一款Mac上非常强大和易用的远程桌面控制软件,支持RDP、VNC协议,无论速度、性能和流畅度上都非常不错,支持全屏、文本粘贴复制、快捷键发送等功能,在各种细节上要比微软的远程桌面优秀很多,可以用它远程连接Windows电脑,推荐使用!

[Jump Desktop 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]

Jump Desktop 7 for Mac 7.0.4 介绍

Enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere. Jump Desktop is a remote desktop application that lets you securely connect to any computer in the world. Compatible with both RDP and VNC, Jump Desktop is secure, reliable and very easy to set up.

Easy setup and reliable:

Jump Desktop is very easy to configure; anyone can do it! Just visit: https://www.jumpdesktop.com on your PC or Mac, click the ‘Automatic Setup’ link and follow step-by-step instructions. You’ll be up and running in no time.


Jump encrypts the connection between computers to ensure privacy and security. Automatic connections are always encrypted by default. Supports NLA, TLS/SSL encryption for RDP. SSH Tunnelling and SSL/TLS encryption for VNC.

Supercharged Productivity:

Use Mac keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Seamlessly switch between computers without changing the way you use the keyboard. Vastly improves productivity. Fully customizable: Configure your own shortcuts or use the built-in defaults. No other app comes close.

Integrated into macOS

Quickly search and launch computers directly from Spotlight. Tightly integrated into macOS's power saving technology to give you the best battery life on the go. Tabbing support.

Super fast and beautiful:

Powered by one of the fastest VNC and RDP engines on the planet. Multi-core, hardware accelerated rendering for zippy performance. Optimized for MacBook Pros and iMacs with Retina display


  • Multi-protocol: supports RDP, VNC and Fluid Remote Desktop
  • Full international keyboard support for RDP, VNC and ARD
  • Dictation support (Mountain Lion and later)
  • Tabs (macOS Sierra and later)
  • 3 different ways to zoom and pan the remote screen (really useful when controlling multi-monitor remote systems from laptops)
  • Easy and secure setup: Automatically configure your PC or Mac for remote access without worrying about your router settings. Set up as many computers as you like and manage them all using your Google account (optional)
  • Built-in SSH tunneling for RDP and VNC connections

RDP features:

  • Tested on: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012/R2/2016, SBS Server, Windows 10
  • RD Broker and Load balancer support
  • RD Gateway support
  • Dynamic resolution updates (Win 8.1/2012 R2+)
  • Desktop Scaling (Win 8.1/2012 R2+)
  • Multi monitor support
  • Secure: 128-bit RDP, TLS/SSL, FIPS and NLA authentication supported
  • Printing redirection support (including a optional , super-fast server side-driver)
  • Audio streaming
  • Console sessions
  • Folder sharing
  • International keyboard layouts

VNC features:

  • Tested with macOS 10.5+, TightVNC, RealVNC, UltraVNC, Linux (Ubuntu Remote Desktop)
  • Secure: Supports SSH tunneling as well as SSL encryption (SSL only available when using automatic setup)
  • Black and white, Grayscale, 8-bit and 16-bit color modes to help manage bandwidth
  • Clipboard syncing
  • Multiple monitor support


Version 7.0.4:

  • More RDP resolution fixes
  • Keyboard mapping and layout fixes (particularly for RDP connections)
  • Mouse cursor might freeze occasionally
  • IPv6 fixes for automatic connections
  • Clipboard syncing improvements
  • Stability improvements
Jump Desktop 7 for Mac 7.0.4 破解版 – 最好用的远程桌面工具-麦氪派
Jump Desktop 7 for Mac 7.0.4 破解版 – 最好用的远程桌面工具-麦氪派
Jump Desktop 7 for Mac 7.0.4 破解版 – 最好用的远程桌面工具-麦氪派
Jump Desktop 7 for Mac 7.0.4 破解版 – 最好用的远程桌面工具-麦氪派
Jump Desktop 7 for Mac 7.0.4 破解版 – 最好用的远程桌面工具-麦氪派

Jump Desktop 7 for Mac 7.0.4 下载

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