JSON Wizard for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 查看和编辑您的 JSON 文件


2016-07-06 9,256 百度已收录

JSON Wizard 是为您完美的工具,如果您只想查看和编辑您的 JSON 文件。或者也许你想要能够导入 XML/YAML/PLIST/CSV 文件。也许你甚至想要能够导出到所有这些的格式。JSON 向导提供了方便的可视化编辑和直接访问源代码与生活语法检查

[JSON Wizard 在Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

JSON Wizard for Mac 1.3 介绍

JSON Wizard is the perfect tool for you if you simply want to view and edit your JSON files. Or perhaps you want to be able to import XML/YAML/PLIST/CSV files. Perhaps you even want to be able to export to all those formats as well. JSON Wizard provides both easy visual editing and direct access to the source code with live syntax checking.

  • Import pure JSON, XML, property lists (XML or binary), YAML, and even CSV
  • Edit and view JSON (via the Source-code or the Data-tree view) and observe changes live
  • Advanced live syntax checking/linter, with error checking and live notifications
  • Source beautifier
  • Powerful search feature (to browse through all tree nodes)
  • Search-by-path feature (to access specific nodes)
  • Export/save to JSON, XML, YAML, property list (XML-based or binary)
  • Live HTTP request tool (GET/POST + with additional headers support)
JSON Wizard for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 查看和编辑您的 JSON 文件-麦氪派
JSON Wizard for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 查看和编辑您的 JSON 文件-麦氪派
JSON Wizard for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 查看和编辑您的 JSON 文件-麦氪派
JSON Wizard for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 查看和编辑您的 JSON 文件-麦氪派
JSON Wizard for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 查看和编辑您的 JSON 文件-麦氪派

JSON Wizard for Mac 1.3 下载

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