iWatermark Pro for Mac 2.0 序号版 – 图片水印批量添加工具


2017-06-23 2,456 百度已收录

iWatermark Pro是一款Mac上非常好用的图片批量添加水印、重命名、缩放大小、缩略图、元数据编辑的工具,今天和大家分享最新的 2.0 版本,本站的图片就是使用这款软件添加的水印,通过简单的拖拽就可以完成这些功能,支持 Mac, Windows, iOS, Android等系统,非常的好用!

[iWatermark Pro在官网售价30美元,约合人民币180元]

iWatermark Pro for Mac 2.0 介绍

iWatermark Pro is the essential watermarking app for professional, business, and personal use.

Easily secure and protect your photos with text, a graphic, a signature, or a QR watermark. Once added to a photo, this visible watermark indicates that the image is created and owned by you.

  • Works with Lightroom, Photoshop, Picasa, ACDSee, iPhoto, Aperture, and other photo organizers
  • Batch processing or sequential
  • Input/output to all major file types JPEG, TIFF, PNG, RAW, etc.
  • Create text, graphic, or QR watermarks
  • Adjust opacity, font, color, border, scale, rotation, shadow, special effects, etc.
  • Use metadata (GPS, Exif, XMP) as watermarks
  • Design, edit, and manage a library of watermarks
  • Export watermarks from other platforms for use in the Mac version
  • Fast 64-bit, multi-threaded, multiple CPU/GPU's
  • User-selectable color profiles
  • Add, remove, and edit metadata (EXIF, GPS, and XMP).
  • Unlimited fonts
  • Great manual and support
  • Share to Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, and many more
  • Always being improved

iWatermark Pro for Mac 2.0 下载

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