iStat Menus for Mac 5.30 序号版 – Mac上最优秀的系统监控工具


2016-11-07 10,345 百度已收录

iStat Menus是 Mac 上最优秀的系统监控工具,能够在系统菜单栏实时监控CPU、GPU、内存、硬盘、网络、温度、电池以及系统时间等,稳定且占用资源少,可以说是装机必备的软件。

[iStat Menus 5 在官网上售价16美元,约合人民币100元]

iStat Menus for Mac 5.30 介绍

iStat Menus iStat Pro需要存在于Dashboard,这是一款一款常驻菜单栏右侧的小工具,我们可以时刻了解自己 Mac 电脑上发生各种情况,比如查看硬件温度,查看即时网速以及查看内存和硬盘使用率等。

iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menubar. Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of your system.

  • CPU -- Monitor cpu usage. 7 display modes, multiple core support.
  • Memory -- Monitor memory usage. 4 display modes, page ins/outs and swap usage display.
  • Disks -- Monitor disk usage and activity. 6 display modes, ability to hide disks you dont want to see.
  • Network -- Monitor current and total bandwidth, peak bandwidth, IP addresses, and the ability to hide network connections you don't want to see.
  • Temps -- Monitor the temperature of your Mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you don't want to see.
  • Fans -- Monitor the fan speeds in your Mac. 2 display modes, ability to hide sensors you don't want to see.
  • Bluetooth -- Control bluetooth status plus monitor the battery level of your Apple wireless keyboard or mouse.
  • Date & Time -- Date and time in your menubar. World clock display lets you see the time in multiple locations around the world.

Version 5.30:

Version 5.30:
Note: Version 5 is a paid upgrade of $9.99 from version 3 or 4.

  • preliminary support for late 2016 MacBook Pros
  • support for macOS 10.12.
  • Improved bluetooth battery monitoring
  • missing network processes in macOS 10.12.
  • menubar order not being remembered in macOS 10.12 after rebooting.
  • an issue where iStat Menus may have required the discrete GPU to be used.
  • an issue with requesting calendar event access.
  • an issue where there may have been extra logging appearing in Console if the Disks extra was enabled in macOS 10.12.
iStat Menus for Mac 5.30 序号版 – Mac上最优秀的系统监控工具-麦氪派

iStat Menus for Mac 5.30 下载

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