iShowU Instant for Mac 1.0.8 破解版 – 高效屏幕录制软件


2016-08-21 4,322 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。iShowU Instant是一款简单易用高效的屏幕录制软件。

[iShowU Instant 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币418元]

iShowU Instant for Mac 1.0.8 介绍

Realtime screen recording like you've never seen before! iShowU Instant is the fastest, most feature filled realtime screen capture tool from shinywhitebox yet. It takes key features from both "Classic" and HD Pro, and merges them into a single product, making 'Instant' the only app you'll ever need to create recordings quickly.

All of the features you would expect are here, and probably some you don't! Record from any screen, enhance your microphone audio through the use of a dynamics processor, compressor and/or equaliser*, add text and/or an overlay, enhance your recording with mouse and click visualization, trim front/back after recording, create time-lapse recordings, share to a wide range of online services, and more.


  • Simple to use User Interface
  • Customisable settings and presets
  • Great share options, making use of built in OS X sharing services, including YouTube
  • Create animated GIFs!
  • Picture in Picture (PIP) support for Camera while recording
  • Flexible output, up to 60fps capture
  • Create Quicktime or MP4 movies
  • Built in scheduled recordings
  • Realtime preview

Advanced Features (included):

  • Record directly from your iOS device
  • Awesome microphone audio via Audio dynamics processing, including both compressor & EQ
  • Export directly to ProRes
  • Text and Image watermarks
  • Full visualisation control, keypress visualisation, key modifiers and more
  • Built in ability to export recordings to Final Cut directly
  • Built in editing, trimming. Place shapes, create and edit additional text objects.
iShowU Instant for Mac 1.0.8 破解版 – 高效屏幕录制软件-麦氪派
iShowU Instant for Mac 1.0.8 破解版 – 高效屏幕录制软件-麦氪派
iShowU Instant for Mac 1.0.8 破解版 – 高效屏幕录制软件-麦氪派
iShowU Instant for Mac 1.0.8 破解版 – 高效屏幕录制软件-麦氪派
iShowU Instant for Mac 1.0.8 破解版 – 高效屏幕录制软件-麦氪派

iShowU Instant for Mac 1.0.8 下载

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