Integrity Pro for Mac 8.1.4 破解版 – 网站死链清理优化检测器


2018-07-19 1,308 百度已收录

Integrity Pro for Mac是一款Mac上的网站链接检测软件,Integrity Plus for Mac能通过您所输入的网址找到已经损坏的链接,并且在完成之后还能以xml、dot和csv格式来生成站点地图。这款软件非常的适合用来维护网站,如果您有自己的网站,那这简直是必备神器。

[Integrity Pro 在官网售价65美元]

Integrity Pro for Mac 8.1.4 介绍

Integrity Pro for Mac是一款网站死链检查清理工具。建立在Integrity Plus之上。它具有新的v8抓取引擎,它检查链接并生成带有Plus版本的所有搜索,过滤和导出功能的站点地图。它增加了SEO细节和全网拼写检查。它不是要取代Scrutiny,而是要在Integrity Plus和Scrutiny之间推出,这是Integrity Plus用户更实惠的一步。当然,这将会是Integrity Plus的升级,但是这个早期的公开测试版是免费的,直到稳定版发布。

What's New in Integrity Pro

Version 8.1.4:

  • Fixes problem scanning a site locally and directory path contains a space or certain other characters.
  • Adds override for the built-in behaviour which excludes pages from the sitemap if they are marked robots noindex or have a canonical pointing to another page. These options are in Preferences > Sitemap, they should be on by default and should only be switched off in rare cases where it really is necessary, such as using the sitemap for a purpose other than submission to search engines (where you do want all internal pages in the file)
  • Updates links within the app and dmg (support, EULA etc) to new https equivalents
Integrity Pro for Mac 8.1.4 破解版 – 网站死链清理优化检测器-麦氪派

Integrity Pro for Mac 8.1.4 下载

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