iMazing 2.7.0 Mac 破解版 – 优秀的iOS设备管理工具


2018-09-16 3,189 百度已收录

iMazing 是一款Mac上优秀的 iOS 设备管理工具,功能与 iTools Pro 一样,可以让我们方便管理iOS设备的短信、联系人、照片、视频、音乐等等,方便在Mac和iOS设备间导入导出文件,支持最新的 iPhone  和 iOS  系统,界面也很漂亮!

[iMazing 在官网上售价人民币388元]

iMazing 2.7.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

iMazing(是 imazing DiskAid)是最终的iOS设备经理的能力远远超出了iTunes提供。随着imazing和你的iOS设备(iPhoneiPad,或iPod),你可以:

  • 复制音乐到任何iOS设备(甚至从一个IOS设备到另一个!),无论是Mac或PC设备已同步到。没有限制或限制的音乐转移。
  • 备份和恢复个人的iOS应用程序与您的自定义保存的数据,完美的释放空间,在您的iOS设备,而不会失去你的文件,伟大的安装应用程序,包括你的另一个iOS设备上的数据,你自己的。
  • 将文件传输到iOS设备,并浏览IOS文件系统。
  • 使用你的iOS设备像一个USB钥匙。
  • 浏览和保存的信息(短信,彩信,语音信箱,iMessage),和通话记录,其中iTunes可以做。
  • 浏览,保存,并添加联系人到您的iPhone,而不会自动添加到您的iCloud帐户。
  • 浏览和管理同一IOS设备的多个备份。选择要还原的数据集。
  • 还有一些你从未想过的惊人的事情!


Version 2.7.0:

iPhone XS & XS Max Ready, iOS 12 Compatibility:
  • iPhone XS and XS Max should be displayed beautifully when connected to iMazing
  • iOS 12 is fully supported, including updating to iOS 12 with iMazing
Quick Transfer Wizard:
  • Easily transfer documents, media, books and files to your iOS devices via drag and drop
  • Drop files and folders in the Quick Transfer window, and iMazing will automatically detect compatible apps
Export All Data:
  • Export all data from iOS devices in human readable format in 2 clicks only
  • Aimed at repair shops, data recovery pros and lawyers
  • Special shout out to Geneva’s Maclinic repair shop for suggesting the feature
macOS Mojave: Dark Mode & More:
  • Dynamic Dark Mode support: iMazing automatically adapts when changing the macOS theme, no need to quit and relaunch
  • New security & privacy features handled: iMazing will request permission to access iTunes backups, and to import media to iTunes’ Library
Fixes and improvements:
  • Fixed an issue when transferring books to an iOS device after having deleted a book from the iBooks app
  • Fixed an issue when drag & dropping multiple VCard files in Contacts section (Mac)
  • Fixed an issue in Calendars where time was formatted in 24 hours format instead of 12 in english
  • Fixed an issue in Calendars where time wasn’t shown in the right time zone
  • Fixed an issue on Windows 32 bit where editing backup and backing up app data to .imazingapp wasn’t working
  • Fixed an issue on Windows 32 bit where backup file sizes were wrong (1.2 EB).
  • Fixed an issue on Windows where the quality of exported voicemail as .mp3 files was degraded
  • Improved iOS app update in the "Manage Apps" section, fixed false positive updates
  • Fixed an issue preventing Mac screens from sleeping while iMazing Mini is running
  • Lots of other minor fixes and improvements
iMazing 2.7.0 Mac 破解版 – 优秀的iOS设备管理工具-麦氪派

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