IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 Complete 破解版 终极混音和母带处理工作站

行业软件 版本号:5.2.1

2019-09-08 2,775 百度已收录

T-RackS 5已经演变成最强大的混合和母带处理模块化系统,提供最大的处理多功能性,一个改进的音频引擎,4个新的处理器,在一个灵活的16处理器系列/并行链上总共有38个高质量模块,全面兼容广播专业计量工具模块,一个新的完全重新设计的智能单窗口图形用户界面和具有多格式导出的专辑汇编。

[T-RackS 5好像也是一个很贵的东东哦]

IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 Complete 5.2.1 破解版 介绍

IK Multimedia在1999年开发了T-RackS,把一个完整的、负担得起的母带处理软件工具释放给每一个人,标志着一个新时代的开始。



Close your eyes and picture a store full of cool, powerful processing gear including compressors, limiters, reverbs, de-essers, multiband processors, and a shelf full of vintage, legendary gear emulations. In short, a dream store for recording musicians, engineers and producers.

  • Free version of T-RackS including the Custom Shop, the Classic EQ and basic Metering functionality
  • Standalone workstation, plugin suite and single plugins for Audio Units, VST2, VST3 and AAX formats
  • Custom Shop functionality lets you purchase additional modules from inside the program
  • T-RackS shell allows for chaining of up to 16 processors
  • Standalone integration with ARC System 2.5 processing
  • All processors available as individual plug-ins
  • 64-bit native support
  • High-fidelity oversampling for high-quality audio processing through the entire signal path
  • SCC™ technology coupled with IK’s unique DSM™ technology provides the most realistic software emulation of vintage gear to date
  • Extremely easy to use, with style-based presets, full chain visualization, one-click single module or chain bypass, “compare” function and more.
IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 Complete 破解版 终极混音和母带处理工作站-麦氪派

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