iGif Creator for Mac 4.0.0 激活版 – GIF的编辑生成工具


2016-08-08 4,809 百度已收录

iGif Creator是最好的GIF生成软件,在Mac OS X你可以从你的视频剪辑,图片和GIF在每个GIF帧不同的文本图层创建我们GIF GIF最美好的GIF创造者。

[iGif Creator 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币18元]

iGif Creator for Mac 4.0.0 介绍

iGif Creator is one best GIF creator for Video, Photo, GIF on Mac OS X. You can create our GIF from your video clips, pictures and GIF with different text layer on each GIF frames.


  • Convert video clips to GIF.
  • Convert photos into GIF.
  • Convert GIF to new GIF ( Edit GIF ).
  • Resize or crop the video for GIF.
  • Set the FPS for fetching images from video.
  • Add Caption on GIF for each images.
  • Move the Caption to anywhere on GIF.
  • Create GIF with your customized FPS.
  • Preview & Create GIF with the number of loops for GIF.
  • Preview & Create GIF with direction, normal playing (forwards) or reverse playing (backwards).
  • Set the dimension for GIF.
  • Insert or delete image frames, add caption layer, reverse old GIF.
  • Supports Mac OS X 10.8 - 10.11.

How to use iGif Creator?

  1. Add video/photos/gif in different mode.
  2. Set start, end time of video clip, reorder the images frame, right click to insert images frame etc.
  3. Set loop, sequence, FPS, dimension for GIF.
  4. Preview GIF.
  5. Create GIF.

Support email: peter198312@gmail.com

iGif Creator for Mac 4.0.0 激活版 – GIF的编辑生成工具-麦氪派
iGif Creator for Mac 4.0.0 激活版 – GIF的编辑生成工具-麦氪派
iGif Creator for Mac 4.0.0 激活版 – GIF的编辑生成工具-麦氪派
iGif Creator for Mac 4.0.0 激活版 – GIF的编辑生成工具-麦氪派

iGif Creator for Mac 4.0.0 下载

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