iconStiX Mac 破解版 制作个性文件夹

系统美化 版本号:3.9

2019-08-30 979 百度已收录

iconStiX是一个很实用,也很个性的小工具, 让简单而美观的制作自己喜欢的文件夹! conStiX是一款简单的可以编辑用户图标的工具,比如文件夹图标

[iconStiX 在Mac App Store售价 50.00 元]

iconStiX 3.9 Mac 破解版 介绍

iconStiX是一个很实用,也很个性的小工具, 让简单而美观的制作自己喜欢的文件夹! conStiX是一款简单的可以编辑用户图标的工具,比如文件夹的图标。它与Finder的服务功能合作,因此你可以选择Finder里面的”Open iconStiX”选项来打开这款程序。支持一些基本操作功能,如添加多物品(图片,形状和文本)或者是在表格中预览移动,旋转,斜移,上色和添加阴影等。

iconStiX is an easy-to-use, fundamental icon tool that allows users to combine and attach images to desktop items.

iconStiX is a simple program to combine images and attach composition as custom icon to desktop items such as folder. It is cooperated with the Finder's services, so that you can select "Open iconStiX" in the Finder's contextual menu to start the program.

It supports basic functions such as:

  • adding multiple objects (image, shape, and text) and overviewing them in a table
  • moving, resizing, rotating, skewing, coloring and shadowing objects
  • attaching/removing custom icons
  • saving documents (as template)
  • exporting composition as images (ICNS, PNG, TIFF)
  • keeping favorite icon images for quick access.
iconStiX Mac 破解版 制作个性文件夹-麦氪派
iconStiX Mac 破解版 制作个性文件夹-麦氪派
iconStiX Mac 破解版 制作个性文件夹-麦氪派
iconStiX Mac 破解版 制作个性文件夹-麦氪派

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