IconJar Mac 破解版 优秀的图标素材管理工具

设计素材 版本号:2.1.1

2019-11-18 4,228 百度已收录

IconJar 是一款Mac上优秀的图标素材管理工具,可以帮助我们管理和查找图标图片素材,支持分类管理,支持作为Sketch插件使用,很不错!

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IconJar 2.1.1 Mac 破解版 介绍





What’s new in IconJar

Version 2.1.1:

  • This release fixes a rare issue where an IconJar 2 library would show up empty after migrating from v1

Version 2.0:

Bundle similar icons with Smart Sets:
  • conJar now lets you create rule based sets. Smart sets are great for when you have a favourite style, prefer a specific file type, or want to show every icon with a certain license.
View recently used icons:
  • IconJar automatically adds the icons you've used to a recently used set in the left sidebar.
Star your favourite icons:
  • You can now star the icons you like the most. Starred icons are all grouped in one set so you never have to search for them.
  • Full compatability with macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Our color picker now includes an eye-dropper tool
  • UI changes througout the whole app
  • You can now also change the color of gradients
  • You can now have IconJar search for, and clean up, duplicate icons
  • You can now filter your icon set list by keyword
  • We now link out to licenses from the inspector when a url for the license is provided
  • We now allow users to opt-in for beta releases
  • Trigger search with a keystroke with "always active search"
  • We have implemented basic Touchbar support for the grid
  • You can now sort the grid
  • You can choose to have the grid grouped by set or not
  • You can now drag icons and iconjar files directly into the set list for inplace adding
  • You can now drag out sets from the list and instantly create iconjar files
  • We have added SVG export options to the preferences to customize SVG processing
  • You can now improve icon constrast when using Aqua instead of just in Dark mode
  • If moving a library when IconJar is not open, we keep track of it and wont need to refind it again
  • Managing licenses has now been given its own window instead of inside Preferences
  • Quicklook has been simplified and is detachable, this also respects the grid dark mode
  • Grid can now display up to 256pt sizes
  • Updated IJSVG to fix a lot of rendering issues with gradients
  • You can now right click and copy, or copy code from Quickdrag
  • The grid size controls now overlay the grid but are unobtrusive
  • We have ramped up performance throughout the application

Version 1.13.2:

  • We have updated the SVG library (IJSVG) to the latest version which includes various bug fixes and improves performance significantly


  • Fixed the issue where the Sketch plugin would only show IconJar and not actual proceed with the import procedure

Version 1.13.1:

  • We've added dark mode to IconJar! The app can either use your system preference, or you can set a theme you like.

Version 1.12.2:

  • Added support for Font Awesome 5. Note requires the font to be reimported.
  • IconJar will now detect if you are using a Library from a backup and relocate it accordingly. Also when loading a backup library, we will now keep that one intact and copy it to a default location.
  • You can now use Quickdrag to export multi sizes at the same time.
  • Quickdrag now has ability to include the size format onto the filename (right click on the icon within Quickdrag)
  • We have added ability add/remove the width and height attributes for SVG's when they are exported (check preferences).
  • IconJar Map Files can be be gzipped to save on those valuable bytes.
  • IconJar now uses unique names when you drag-and-drop icons with the identical names. E.g. search.svg & search.1.svg
  • We've completely redesigned the backup flow to be less obtrusive. We've also added the possibility to cancel this process. You can change the frequency of this backup process in preferences → Library.
  • We rewrote our Sketch plugin to be compatible with macOS Mojave and Sketch 52.2. Updating is mandatory, because the old one is broken since macOS Mojave.
  • Improved empty states.
  • Reduced IconJar application size.
  • Compatibility with macOS 10.14.
  • A crash that was caused when navigating the Grid and reaching the last row
  • A crash when the library was inside a sync folder and the sync folder was adding additional files into certain folders.
  • A crash that was caused when creating a custom export preset and no name was given.
  • Crash when dragging icons that weren't visible in the viewport
  • Prevent CPU from running at 100% when modals are being shown.
  • We have also fixed various other issues relating to macOS Mojave.
  • Various bugs have been squashed.
  • A crash when importing whilst subfolders and sets were being created.
  • A few crashes with 10.14 beta.
IconJar Mac 破解版 优秀的图标素材管理工具-麦氪派

IconJar 2.1.1 Mac 破解版 下载

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