IconJar for Mac 1.2.0 破解版 – 优秀的图标素材管理工具


2017-03-16 2,474 百度已收录

IconJar 是一款Mac上优秀的图标素材管理工具,可以帮助我们管理和查找图标图片素材,支持分类管理,支持作为Sketch插件使用,很不错!

[IconJar 在官网上售价19.95美元,约合人民币120元]

IconJar for Mac 1.2.0 介绍

Iconjar leaves digging through your design asset folders behind and lets you access your icons without the hassle. Your icon organizer is always just one click away. It features incredible support for SVG’s and icon fonts that you can drag-and-drop into any app. It’s no rocket science, we pinky promise.

Iconjar’s search has been designed and developed with speed and efficiency in mind. Hit the spacebar and preview the icon at any size using our custom designed Quicklook feature.
It even works in combination with apps that don’t natively support SVG’s*. Our goal is to make IconJar part of your workflow without you even noticing.

Design hand-off becomes super easy with the help of our export feature. Just select the icons you want, pick the sizes you prefer, click export and we’ll handle the rest.

IconJar for Mac 1.2.0 破解版 – 优秀的图标素材管理工具-麦氪派

IconJar for Mac 1.2.0 下载

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