iA Writer提供了独特的“无干扰模式”,该模式隐藏了一切可能对写作造成干扰的界面元素,只留下一张白纸、一个键盘,以及右上角灰色的“小锁头”(这是 用来退出无干扰模式的),而且只高亮显示正在编辑的几行文字,其余的文字会淡化处理,想来也是为了最大程度的让写字者集中注意力于当前的文字。
[iA Writer 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币128元]
iA Writer for Mac 3.0 介绍
iA Writer提供了独特的“无干扰模式”,该模式隐藏了一切可能对写作造成干扰的界面元素,只留下一张白纸、一个键盘,以及右上角灰色的“小锁头”(这是 用来退出无干扰模式的),而且只高亮显示正在编辑的几行文字,其余的文字会淡化处理,想来也是为了最大程度的让写字者集中注意力于当前的文字。这个模式考 虑的非常周到,甚至禁用了手指点击移动光标的功能,我想这是为了避免不小心接触到屏幕而导致光标移动到错误的位置,这个想法我能理解,但实际使用中,还是 常常感到不便。
iA Writer is a digital writing tool that makes sure that all your thoughts go into the text instead of the program. Here is what makes iA Writer different:
- Character: No preferences. It is how it is. It works like it works. Love it or hate it.
- Signal vs Noise: Focus mode allows me to think, spell, and write one sentence at a time.
- Speed: Writer works without mouse. Automarkdown formats semantic entities such as headlines, lists, bold, strong, block quotes written in markdown.
Note: Currently only Latin alphabet and Russian languages are supported (no Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Hebrew, Arabian...).
iA Writer for Mac 3.0 下载
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