Hot Door CADtools for Mac 11.1.1 破解版 – Adobe Illustrator 插件包


2017-11-01 4,019 百度已收录

HotDoor CADTools是一款优秀的工程制图Adobe Illustrator 插件包,有了CADTools,那么你的Illustrator就可以用来做很多原本Autocad才方便做的事。简单来说就是Cadtools整合了一套完整的工程制图工具,安装了Cadtools插件的Illustrator 软件用鼠标点击即可绘制出任何大小、具有标注的插图。

[Hot Door CADtools 在官网售价379美元,约合人民币2200元]

Hot Door CADtools for Mac 11.1.1 介绍

CADtools – Precision drawing and dimensioning power inside Adobe Illustrator.

Click and drag dimensions or labels on every possible object, path, or point in space. Live dimensions follow and respond to artwork changes.

CADtools adds 92 tools to the tool panel. Red dots indicate the number and placement of mouse-clicks to edit or create an object, label or dimension. New tools include Scale Line, Repeat, Repeat Along Path, Scaled Type, Grid, and Wave tools.

What’s New in Hot Door CADtools 11.1.1

  • Release notes not available at the time of this post.
Hot Door CADtools for Mac 11.1.1 破解版 – Adobe Illustrator 插件包-麦氪派

Hot Door CADtools for Mac 11.1.1 下载

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