Hider Mac 破解版 文件隐藏工具

系统增强 版本号:2.5.0

2019-07-25 4,910 百度已收录

Hider 2 较上一代相比无论是界面还是功能都有很大改进,一摆往日的屌丝风格。不知是潮流还是效仿,2代拥有一套简洁的深色调界面,给人一种非常安全,private的感觉,新增了类似1Password的密保登录系统,一个Menubar管理助理,一个全新的隐私笔记系统,并支持直接隐藏外接存储盘的文件。

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Hider 2.5.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

Hider 2 的密保系统基本上和1PSW一致,建议设置一个较复杂的密码来保护软件,在解锁窗口输入密码时,上面有一个类似保险箱机械罗盘的密码锁会随你输入每一个字符而转动,非常有爱的设计,另外软件还具备自动落锁功能,这个触发时间可以自定义,你也可以把这套密码备份到OS X 的 keychain数据库里,不过要注意保护好他。

Hider is an app that lets you hide, encrypt, and password-protect private data on your Mac. Just launch Hider, enter your password, and select a file to add to the Hider vault. Once added, you can toggle between hidden and visible with just a click of a switch no one can see or find your files with Finder or Spotlight when hidden in Hider. And upon hiding your file, Hider automatically AES-256 encrypts it, too. It makes your data incredibly secure!

Users can also hide and encrypt their data onto an external drive if they wish. This external drive support allows for a complete disconnection of data, giving the user an added extra layer of security. With Hider, you needn't worry about someone uncovering private data on your Mac. It makes it so that your private data stays private, and yet accessible to you and you alone.


  • Finder tags compatibility
  • the ability to hide entire folders
  • the ability for users to create custom groups
  • and in-app note-taking called Secure Notes.
  • accessibility features:
    • global shortcut keys
    • a menu bar icon
    • a quick-look preview mode
    • and Finder integration

What's New in Hider

Version 2.4.9:

  • Improved UI to support new Dark Mode
  • Stability improvements

Version 2.4.1:

  • Added compatibility with macOS 10.13 High Sierra
  • Stability improvements
Hider Mac 破解版 文件隐藏工具-麦氪派
Hider Mac 破解版 文件隐藏工具-麦氪派
Hider Mac 破解版 文件隐藏工具-麦氪派
Hider Mac 破解版 文件隐藏工具-麦氪派

Hider 2.5.0 Mac 破解版 下载

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