Hide Files for Mac 1.0 注册版 – 简单易用的文件隐藏工具


2016-02-08 2,879 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。 Hide Files 是一款Mac上简单易用的文件隐藏小工具,可以快速将多个文件隐藏,也可以通过拖拽目录显示目录下的隐藏文件,很实用的一款小工具。

[Hide Files 在官网上售价4.99美元,约合人民币30元]

Hide Files for Mac 1.0 介绍

Hide Files is a program for the Mac that simply protects documents and folders from others viewing, modifying, or most importantly deleting.

It's as easy as dragging the file or folder into the app and clicking Hide, instantly those files/folders and all their contents are concealed.

There are options to enable password protection of hiding and unhiding these files/folders which ultimately hides them from gaining access to seeing them at all.

Just think, no more worrying about others finding your important documents, or your "special" photos!

A special note, this is a standard and simple way to make files/folders on the Mac operating system invisible. If you need advanced levels of protecting your data, there are many other ways to accomplish this including Mac OS X FileVault and various other removable media types.

Hide Files for Mac 1.0 注册版 – 简单易用的文件隐藏工具-麦氪派
Hide Files for Mac 1.0 注册版 – 简单易用的文件隐藏工具-麦氪派
Hide Files for Mac 1.0 注册版 – 简单易用的文件隐藏工具-麦氪派
Hide Files for Mac 1.0 注册版 – 简单易用的文件隐藏工具-麦氪派

Hide Files for Mac 1.0 下载

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