Hardware Monitor for Mac 5.52 破解版 – 硬件状态查看小工具


2017-05-10 3,361 百度已收录

Hardware Monitor 是一个可以查看硬件状态的小软件,同时还可以示硬盘、显卡温度以及电池电压等等监控信息.

[Hardware Monitor 貌似免费]

Hardware Monitor for Mac 5.52 介绍

Hardware Monitor is an application to read out all available hardware sensors in Mac computers. The program can display and visualize measured values in a large variety of fashions. It can also store and export readings. The application Temperature Monitor is available for free, but is limited to accessing temperature sensors only. The application Hardware Monitor is commercial shareware, but can access additional sensors if your computer is equipped with them. This includes the following sensor types:

  • Battery sensors on portable computers
  • Voltage sensors
  • Current (amperage) sensors
  • Fan speed sensors
  • Sensors for pulse-width controlled fans
  • Power and load sensors
Hardware Monitor for Mac 5.52 破解版 – 硬件状态查看小工具-麦氪派

Hardware Monitor for Mac 5.52 下载

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