H265 Converter Pro for Mac 2.3 破解版 – H265视频格式转换工具


2017-07-28 2,996 百度已收录

H265 Converter Pro 是一款Mac上的视频格式转换工具,可以将视频转换MKV格式,保持高质量并减少体积,简单易用,很不错!

[H265 Converter Pro 在 Mac App Store上售价25元]

H265 Converter Pro for Mac 2.3 介绍

H265 Converter Pro allows you to convert all your videos to MKV format using the H.265 video codec, retaining full quality and saving about 50% of disk space. Remember that Apple devices don't support H.265 hardware playback; you will need third-party software to play H.265/MKV videos.

  • Same quality as H.264, but with half disk space
  • Conversion to MKV with ultra high quality using H.265 video codec
  • Clean design, without complicated options
  • Batch process
  • Possibility to add new videos to queue on the fly, while encoding
  • Keep audio channels in original format, or convert them to AAC 2.0 ch
  • Keep subtitles
  • Input formats: 3GP, ASF, AVI, DIVX, FLV, M4V, MKV, MP4, MPG, WMV, XVID


  • Bug fixes.
  • MP4 compatible with iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra
H265 Converter Pro for Mac 2.3 破解版 – H265视频格式转换工具-麦氪派

H265 Converter Pro for Mac 2.3 下载

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