goPanel for Mac 1.7.4 激活版 – 实用的服务器管理工具


2017-01-09 2,988 百度已收录

goPanel 是一款Mac上实用的服务器管理工具,通过SSH连接上服务器,然后就可以通过goPanel方便的控制服务器了,支持安装和配置Apache, php, mysql, ftp, email等!

[goPanel 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币163元]

goPanel for Mac 1.7.4  介绍

goPanel is an incredibly intuitive OS X app for the management of web servers, an alternative to existing control-panel apps you install on Unix-based servers for web hosting. Easy-to-install and configure Apache, PHP, MySQL, FTP, domains, and emails on your server. goPanel lets you easily connect and manage unlimited Linux servers.

  • Add and manage unlimited servers (VPS or dedicated)
  • Install, configure, and manage: Apache, PHP, FTP (Pure-FTPd), Mail Server to get each of your servers ready to host domains
  • PHP and Apache on/off from selection of modules
  • Create unlimited MySQL users and databases, domains, FTP accounts, and emails
  • Setup backup for your files or databases
  • Setup scheduled cron jobs
  • View server logs and block IP's
  • Rollback up to 50 earlier versions of your config files in case you need to
  • System updates - keep your linux server up to date

goPanel works perfect with Amazon instances so long as you use a Linux distribution we support.


  • - small bug fixes and stability improvements
goPanel for Mac 1.7.4 激活版 – 实用的服务器管理工具-麦氪派
goPanel for Mac 1.7.4 激活版 – 实用的服务器管理工具-麦氪派
goPanel for Mac 1.7.4 激活版 – 实用的服务器管理工具-麦氪派
goPanel for Mac 1.7.4 激活版 – 实用的服务器管理工具-麦氪派

goPanel for Mac 1.7.3 下载

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