GIF Brewery 3.0 激活版 – Mac上优秀的GIF动画制作软件


2016-04-14 7,323 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。GIF Brewery,该款软件除了能够将视频文件自动转换为GIF动画文件,还支持在转换前剪切大小、调整帧数、添加标题等功能。

[GIF Brewery 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

GIF Brewery 3.0 介绍

GIF Brewery 3 is a video to GIF creator on Mac OS X. GIF Brewery 3 lets you convert clips from your video files to GIFs. Let GIF Brewery do all the hard work for you!


  • Convert clips from your videos into GIFs.
  • Can record your screen, web cam, or iOS 8+ devices and opens them ready to be converted to a GIF.
  • Resize and crop the video for your GIF.
  • Add multiple captions or overlay images to the GIF.
  • Create GIFs with your desired FPS or manually set the frame count and frame delay.
  • Apply image filters like Color Correction or famous photo filters like Transfer and Noir.
  • Save settings for later edits.
  • Supports Mac OS X 10.11+.

Technical Notes:

  • GIF Brewery 3 does not alter the original file.
  • GIF Brewery 3 only opens video files.
  • GIF Brewery 3 can only open and create clips from movies that Quicktime can open and play. Apple provides information at If Quicktime attempts to convert the file, you'll need to convert it before opening it in GIF Brewery 3.
  • GIF Brewery 3 does not support Quicktime components, such as Perian.
  • Generally speaking, GIF Brewery 3 only supports *.mp4, *.m4v, *.qt, *.mov, *.mpg, *.3gp, and *.m2v files.
  • Handbrake is a very good video transcoder for converting files to *.mp4, which are usable in GIF Brewery
  • GIF Brewery 3 does not support any DRM-protected files.
  • GIF Brewery 3 *DOES NOT* create GIFs from series of images.

If you are having an issue with any of the codecs listed above, please contact us! Note: If you experience any crashes whatsoever please contact Hello, Resolven at We are unable to diagnose the issue without direct help from impacted users.

Praise for previous GIF Brewery releases:

  • MacWorld: 4/5, "GIF Brewery makes it a snap to convert video files into animated GIFs."
  • Mac.AppStorm: 9/10, "A great app to create your own customizable animated GIFs."
  • The Verge mention: "For OS X, we’ve been having fun with GIF Brewery ... It’s simple, intuitive"
  • Buzzfeed article: "... impress your friends and win the hearts of many with your GIF-making prowess!"
GIF Brewery 3.0 激活版 – Mac上优秀的GIF动画制作软件-麦氪派
GIF Brewery 3.0 激活版 – Mac上优秀的GIF动画制作软件-麦氪派
GIF Brewery 3.0 激活版 – Mac上优秀的GIF动画制作软件-麦氪派
GIF Brewery 3.0 激活版 – Mac上优秀的GIF动画制作软件-麦氪派

GIF Brewery 3.0 下载

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