Gestimer for Mac 1.1.3 激活版 – 简单方便的提醒创建小工具


2016-02-24 4,827 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。Gestimer 是一款简单方便的提醒创建小工具,虽然 Mac OS X 预装了提醒事项应用,但想要创建提醒事件时必须首先输入事件的名称,然后选择在某个特定的时间或地点提醒自己,比较麻烦。Gestimer 提供的事件创建功能更直观,可以快速流畅的创建提醒事项,当然,软件也有一定的局限性,比如创建的提醒事项不能相隔太久。

[Gestimer 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币25元]

Gestimer for Mac 1.1.3 介绍

Gestimer is a beautiful menu-bar app for those little reminders during the day. Simply drag the Gestimer menu bar icon onto the screen to create your reminder.

Do you constantly check the time while using your Mac because you don't want to forget to leave the house in 10 minutes, to pick up the kids at 4 P.M., or to turn off the stove in 3 minutes? With Gestimer you can create such short-term reminders quickly and easily.

  • Drag-and-drop a quick reminder with this beautifully designed menu-bar app
  • Quickly add descriptions to your reminders
  • Receive a notification for your reminders
Gestimer for Mac 1.1.3 激活版 – 简单方便的提醒创建小工具-麦氪派
Gestimer for Mac 1.1.3 激活版 – 简单方便的提醒创建小工具-麦氪派
Gestimer for Mac 1.1.3 激活版 – 简单方便的提醒创建小工具-麦氪派
Gestimer for Mac 1.1.3 激活版 – 简单方便的提醒创建小工具-麦氪派

Gestimer for Mac 1.1.3 下载

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