Geekbench 4 for Mac 4.0.4 破解版 – 强大的Mac测试跑分工具


2017-01-24 10,257 百度已收录

Geekbench 是一款Mac上知名的跑分工具,除了处理器和内存性能测试外,Mac 平台的 Geekbench 4.0 还增加了对显卡的性能测试,这款软件能够对你的Mac进行基准测试并评分,测试出你的Mac的CPU和内存的性能,并且可以和其网上的数据库进行比较,了解你的Mac性能到底如何,还可以将分数上传,和大家比较,除了Mac版本外,Geekbench还支持iOS和Android平台,非常不错!

[Geekbench 4 在官网上售价9.95美元,约合人民币68元]

Geekbench 4 for Mac 4.0.4 介绍

Geekbench provides a comprehensive set of benchmarks engineered to quickly and accurately measure processor and memory performance. Designed to make benchmarks easy to run and easy to understand, Geekbench takes the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.

The published price is for a single-user license for OS X only, see the pricing page for other license options.


Version 4.0.4:

  • Add Chinese localization to Geekbench for Android
  • Fix crashes that could occur on 32-bit Windows and Linux systems
  • Fix a crash that could occur after transferring the boot drive from one system to another
  • Fix a crash that occured when reading malformed or corrupted system information tables
Geekbench 4 for Mac 4.0.4 破解版 – 强大的Mac测试跑分工具-麦氪派
Geekbench 4 for Mac 4.0.4 破解版 – 强大的Mac测试跑分工具-麦氪派

Geekbench 4 for Mac 4.0.4 下载

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