FruitJuice for Mac 2.3.1 破解版 – Mac上优秀的电池管理保养工具


2016-08-18 4,641 百度已收录


[FruitJuice 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

FruitJuice for Mac 2.3.1 介绍

FruitJuice: 这是一款Mac平台的最好的电池管理工具,专门为苹果笔记本量身打造,为我们提供电池监控、通知、每日电池的建议、指导维修和诊断等相关信息,确保我们的笔记本电池可以获得最长的运行寿命。

FruitJuice is a Mac application and online service that helps maximize Apple notebook battery life and runtime. FruitJuice makes it possible to follow Apple's recommendations for ensuring longer battery life and accurate "time remaining" estimates when running on battery. It works by tracking the battery's condition and usage in real-time and provides a complete picture of the battery's health in a simple, elegant OS X interface.

According to the "Apple Notebooks" webpage: "The built-in battery of your MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air is designed to deliver up to 1000 full charge and discharge cycles before it reaches 80 percent of its original capacity." Only with FruitJuice can you can find out the current health of your battery and see whether it is performing up to Apple's specifications. All the information you need is in one place in the "Battery Information" screen.

In addition to the main application, FruitJuice also provides a menu bar application that replaces the built-in battery status menu. At a glance, it shows you much of the same information available in the main FruitJuice application: the current battery information, plugged-in percentage for the last 7, 14, and 30 days, and calibration (or conditioning) status.


  • 新的,可配置的拔提醒通知。
  • 正确使用与电池信息窗口,由此引发的独立显卡硬件的问题。
  • 更新了中国本土化。
  • Bug修复。
FruitJuice for Mac 2.3.1 破解版 – Mac上优秀的电池管理保养工具-麦氪派
FruitJuice for Mac 2.3.1 破解版 – Mac上优秀的电池管理保养工具-麦氪派
FruitJuice for Mac 2.3.1 破解版 – Mac上优秀的电池管理保养工具-麦氪派
FruitJuice for Mac 2.3.1 破解版 – Mac上优秀的电池管理保养工具-麦氪派

FruitJuice for Mac 2.3.1 下载

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