Folder Factory Mac 破解版 文件夹图标修改工具

系统美化 版本号:5.7.4

2019-11-26 826 百度已收录

如果你已经讨厌忧郁的、蓝色的、普通的文件夹图标,那就来下载Folders Factory mac破解版!!Folder Factory可以让你简单方便的改变文件夹的预览图片,你可以自己添加文字,图片,映射纹理或者甚至“盖印”,制作赏心悦目的文件夹图标!!

[Folder Factory 在官网售价 1.99 美元]

Folder Factory 5.7.4 Mac 破解版 介绍

Folder Factory Mac版是一款Mac上的文件夹图标修改软件,如果你已经讨厌忧郁的、蓝色的、普通的文件夹,通过Folder Factory Mac版软件你可以修改文件夹的颜色,添加文字,映射纹理或者甚至“盖印”,就是改变文件夹的图标,使文件夹像系统文件夹一样。

Folder Factory is a neat little app for changing the design of your folder icons. It will help you to match similar folders by the color, text or picture and this will keep your Mac organized. The most important folders will be distinguished in your working environment like never before!

  • Enhance folder icons and make them visible in the crowded locations on your Mac.
  • Attach pictures, write text and modify an existing icon to design unique folders.
  • Place your images and text exactly where you want them on the icon.
  • Replace original folder icon with your picture, text or the combination of these two.
  • Write text in the colors and fonts that you like.
  • Adjust opacity of your folders or even make them invisible.
  • Apply color effect to your picture, folder icon and text.

Folder Factory makes it super-easy to design beautiful folders that will help you to improve your working environment, productivity and will keep you entertained while working on your Mac. Simple, user-friendly and efficient Folder Factory app will surprise everyone!

Folder Factory Mac 破解版 文件夹图标修改工具-麦氪派

Folder Factory 5.7.4 Mac 破解版 下载

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