FocusList for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的日程任务管理工具


2016-04-13 3,896 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。 FocusList 是一款Mac上简单易用的日程任务管理工具,可以方便快速的添加任务安排,并且进行定时,Mac上有很多的日程任务管理工具,尝鲜的朋友可以下载一个新的试试,还算不错!

[FocusList 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

FocusList for Mac 1.0.3 介绍

Get more DEEP WORK done. FocusList is your one app to plan the day and be more productive using Pomodoro Technique, timeboxing and retrospective.

Here's how:

Plan: Start the day by planning your activities throughout the day. Give each task an estimate. Plan your entire day, and try to get everything on your list done.

Focus: Go through your tasks in 30 minute blocks. (25 minutes work + 5 minutes break). This is called Pomodoro Technique. It helps you focus by separating work time and rest time.

Retrospect: With stats, you can go back in time and see how good your estimates were, how much time you've spent on each task, and when is your best time in the day to get work done.

FocusList for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的日程任务管理工具-麦氪派
FocusList for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的日程任务管理工具-麦氪派

FocusList for Mac 1.0.3 下载

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