Flinto for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – 强大的移动应用原型设计工具


2017-05-23 3,162 百度已收录


[Flinto 在 官网上售价99美元,约合人民币648元]

Flinto for Mac 2.2.3 介绍

Flinto is a comprehensive app prototyping tool that allows you to create anything from simple tap-through prototypes, to comprehensive prototypes with impressive interactions. We’ve carefully designed Flinto to minimize complexity. There’s no programming or timelines. It’s the prototyping tool designers have been waiting for.


Version 2.2:

  • Several Sketch plugin issues including one that produced distorted layers in Flinto have been fixed
  • Some glitches in the text editing UI have been fixed
  • Much smoother text movement animation in the preview
  • Handling of missing fonts was improved
  • Layer thumbnails are now more accurate
  • Several crashes and memory leaks have been fixed
  • The built-in 3D flip transitions have been fixed
Flinto for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – 强大的移动应用原型设计工具-麦氪派
Flinto for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – 强大的移动应用原型设计工具-麦氪派
Flinto for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – 强大的移动应用原型设计工具-麦氪派
Flinto for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – 强大的移动应用原型设计工具-麦氪派

Flinto for Mac 2.2.3 下载

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