[Flinto 在 官网上售价99美元,约合人民币648元]
Flinto for Mac 1.4 介绍
Flinto is a comprehensive app prototyping tool that allows you to create anything from simple tap-through prototypes, to comprehensive prototypes with impressive interactions. We’ve carefully designed Flinto to minimize complexity. There’s no programming or timelines. It’s the prototyping tool designers have been waiting for.
Flinto for Mac 1.4 下载
免费下载Flinto for Mac 1.4 使用教程
- 请使用LS屏蔽*flinto*地址的所有网络校验;
- 在以下位置找到Library > Containers>com.flinto.flinto,右键显示简介找到以下文件Data > Library > Preferences用破解文档替换;
- 在终端执行killall cfprefsd;
- 重启,搞定,继续使用LS拦截网络外链校验.
- App 打开报错,App 打开闪退,App 无法执行,App损坏等各种错误情况,解决处理方法请进
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