FiveNotes for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 优秀的文本速记工具


2017-08-03 3,353 百度已收录

FiveNotes是一款Mac上精致的 Menubar 文本速记软件,你可以不用打开笨重的 Evernote、Day One 等笔记软件,直接在 Menubar 写下一些琐碎的文字信息,比如联系人的电话号码,家庭住址或是某一段话等等,很不错!

[FiveNotes 在官网售价4.99美元,约合人民币30元]

FiveNotes for Mac 2.1 介绍

FiveNotes (formerly known as Quick) is a small text editor that you can always access by clicking (or pressing shortcut keys) on its Status bar icon. Even if you’re working on a full screen app. If you prefer, it can stay on top of the window, so it can be used as a cheat-sheet app. FiveNotes offers exactly 5 notes that can be switched using colourful circles under the text area or by pressing shortcut (cmd+shift+[ and cmd+shift+] or cmd+number of note).

Application supports basic markdown formatting so your notes are clear. FiveNotes markdown includes headers, bold and italic text, quotes and lists (started with * or – character).

It’s a great app for people who create small text files to write simple, temporary notes. You don’t have to worry about files, their names and saving them. What you write in FiveNotes, it remains there.
If you need to write something quickly (for example a phone number) just open FiveNotes and write it.

FiveNotes for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 优秀的文本速记工具-麦氪派
FiveNotes for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 优秀的文本速记工具-麦氪派
FiveNotes for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 优秀的文本速记工具-麦氪派

FiveNotes for Mac 2.1 下载

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