FireFly Cinema FirePlay Live for Mac 6.1.3 破解版 – 直播颜色分级预览


2017-10-21 2,137 百度已收录

FireFly Cinema FirePlay Live 是一种高品质,上设置播放和色彩工具,它可以处理几乎所有的相机格式,并提供专业的颜色分级。这是一个强大的工作流,把你从一组整理套件的起点。这将很快成为你的专业工具箱中不可或缺的一部分。

[FireFly Cinema FirePlay Live 在官网售价49美元/月,约合人民币300元/月]

FireFly Cinema FirePlay Live for Mac 6.1.3 介绍


FireDay is available in two versions: the standard edition is a powerful digital dailies coloring tool for DPs and DITs offering backups, primary and secondary color correction and basic rendering capabilities. FireDay Studio adds more powerful color space support, audio sync, and multiple output version rendering in many more formats. Either version can support live grading previews on an external reference monitor by adding the Live Grading Option.

Do even more on-set: exercise creative control over color, ensure media integrity and manage complex file workflows. No need to compromise by using a tool designed for post editing to manage your dailies.

What’s New in FireFly Cinema FireDay Studio 6.1.3

  • Release notes not available at the time of this post.
FireFly Cinema FirePlay Live for Mac 6.1.3 破解版 – 直播颜色分级预览-麦氪派
FireFly Cinema FirePlay Live for Mac 6.1.3 破解版 – 直播颜色分级预览-麦氪派

FireFly Cinema FirePlay Live for Mac 6.1.3 下载

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