FileSumo for Mac 1.1 激活版 – Mac磁盘空间清理工具


2017-02-11 2,383 百度已收录


[FileSumo 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币6元]

FileSumo for Mac 1.1 介绍

***God is Great. Launch Offer 0.99 Only, *** FileSumo is an awesome app to help you discover and clean huge files which are cluttering the disk space in your Mac.

*** File Sumo is a handy must try utility app for a price of coffee, and we are sure, you wont regret it. We are happy to hear from you. Let the world know what is good and let us know what is bad in the app. 🙂 ***

Find Top 100 Huge Files

FileSumo provides the list of top 100 huge files and their sizes along with the options to view each file in finder, add the file to an exception list or delete the file directly from the app. Top 10 Files are free and on in app purchase you can find 100 top files.

Find Huge Files in Seconds

FileSumo searches for huge files in your Mac within seconds. The app has very finetuned search logics and algorithms to ensure that identify the huge files instantly.

Search Whole Mac or a Specific Folder or an External Drive

FileSumo provides the option to search for top huge files in the whole Mac or within a selected folder( in app purchase ) or an external drive ( in app purchase ). Easily toggle between both the modes in a single click.

Exception to Important Files

FileSumo provides an option to ignore a huge file in the top 100 list and add it to a exception list. You can access the exception file list anytime to remove the exception.

View in Finder or Instant Delete

FileSumo provides the option to view any huge file in the list in the finder for review or delete the file permanently from within the app itself.

Filter Huge Files by Category

The app also provides the ability to easily filter the huge files by type. The current categories available are Music, Video, Image, App, Zip and Others.

Launch on Start

You can configure the FileSumo app to launch on start so that the app is launched automatically everytime the system starts is ready in the menubar.


If you have questions about the app or face an issue while installing, configuring, updating or using the app please send us an email at usually respond within minutes of receiving the issue report. Almost all of the issues that are reported are resolved in the same day. We have no way of contacting you or resolving the issue you are facing if you post an issue as a review.


Updated app intro screens and flow.

Automatic file scanning updation.

Updates to settings screen

Fixed minor bugs.

FileSumo for Mac 1.1 激活版 – Mac磁盘空间清理工具-麦氪派
FileSumo for Mac 1.1 激活版 – Mac磁盘空间清理工具-麦氪派
FileSumo for Mac 1.1 激活版 – Mac磁盘空间清理工具-麦氪派
FileSumo for Mac 1.1 激活版 – Mac磁盘空间清理工具-麦氪派
FileSumo for Mac 1.1 激活版 – Mac磁盘空间清理工具-麦氪派

FileSumo for Mac 1.1 下载

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