FileMaker Pro 18 Advanced破解版 强大的数据库自定义软件

原生中文 版本号:

2019-10-07 3,422 百度已收录

FileMaker Pro 是跨平台的知名数据库商用软件,支持中文,FileMaker比传统的如Oracle、SQL Server等商业数据库软件,其优点在于易于使用,能够非常快的上手,支持直接存储图片、PDF文件、多媒体文件等,提供的大量辅助工具非常的实用!
[FileMakerPro 18 Advanced 在官网售价 329.00 美元]

FileMakerPro 18 Advanced Mac 破解版 介绍

FileMaker Pro 是一款功能强大、易于使用的数据库软件。它能帮助您和您的团队更快地完成各种类型的工作。在商业、政府和教育领域,有数百万的用户使用 FileMaker Pro 轻松地管理 iPad、iPhone、Windows、Mac 和 Web 上的全部信息。

FileMaker Pro 随附多种易于使用的工具及多个内置的“初始解决方案”,帮助您快速管理所有重要工作。查看 FileMaker Pro 能帮您处理哪些问题。

  • 创建自定义数据库 -
    只需把 Microsoft Excel 数据拖放至 FileMaker Pro 即可开始使用。或是根据您的自身需求量身定制数据库
  • 在 iPad 和 iPhone 上查看数据 -
    在您的 iPad 和 iPhone 上使用 FileMaker Go,可随时随地访问您的 FileMaker Pro 数据库。
  • 通过 Web 发布数据 -
    只需点击数下鼠标即可将您的数据库安全地通过 Web 进行发布。您可以创建调查问卷、注册表、用户反馈表及其他更多项目。
  • 点击数下鼠标即可实现共享 -
    在 iPad、iPhone、Windows 和 Mac 用户间安全地共享信息。您可以与网络中至多 9 位其他用户同时共享您的数据库文件。
  • 生成报表 -
    使用分步生成报表工具结合醒目的图表,帮助您管理和自动化任务。您可以轻松地将报表保存为 Excel 或 PDF 文件,并通过电子邮件发送。

What's new in FileMaker Pro Advanced

Version 17.0.6:

Notes: Version 17 is a paid upgrade from previous versions.

If you have a version prior to 17.0.5 please update to it first before upgrading to 17.0.6

Japanese era name change:
  • This software update supports the new Japanese era, Reiwa (令和), which begins on May 1, 2019. Japanese Emperor Year (Wareki) dates entered into date fields or used in calculations are changed to a Western Gregorian (Seireki) year and saved internally in the format specified by the file. For example, R1/10/28 is changed to 2019/10/28 (R1 = the first year of Reiwa, or 2019). For more information about Japanese Emperor Year dates, see FileMaker Pro Advanced Help
APIs, technologies, or features to be deprecated:
  • As FileMaker Pro Advanced evolves, the list of supported technologies, APIs, and features will change. As part of this evolution, certain operating systems versions, hardware, and features may be deprecated in favor of newer ones. Although deprecation does not mean the immediate deletion of an item, you should migrate your solution away from deprecated technologies, because these technologies may be removed in a future version of the product
  • For the latest information about deprecated APIs, technologies, and features, search the FileMaker Knowledge Base. For information about new, changed, and removed features, see the most up-to-date version of FileMaker Pro Advanced Help, available on the FileMaker website

Version 17.0.3:

Note: Version 17 is a paid upgrade from previous versions
To ensure that you don't encounter the issues below, you must update all clients to FileMaker Pro 17.0.3 Advanced.

  • In certain circumstances, the CPU usage increased to 100% after FileMaker Pro Advanced was opened.
  • High Sierra 10.13: During some operations, the progress bar did not display.
Saving records as PDF:
  • Saving records as a PDF was slower than in previous versions.
  • FileMaker Pro Advanced closed unexpectedly when the field display format was changed in the Inspector.
FileMaker Pro 18 Advanced破解版 强大的数据库自定义软件-麦氪派

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