File list Export 是一款Mac上文件列表导出工具,可以将搜索出的文件列表信息导出为Excel或CSV文件格式,比如你可以列出你Mac上所有歌曲的列表,导出为Excel。
[File list Export 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]
File list Export for Mac 1.8.1 介绍
File List Export (was File list to Excel) is an easy to use application that will help you create list of files for any need. List all your photos, all your videos or all your files. If you need to create list of files this app is for you.
Just select a folder and get a list with all files and folders to Excel or to a CVS file. You can choose if you want to include the files from all subfolders. Preview and edit the list before export to file. Easily search and filter the file list records.
For every file you can get this info:
- File name
- Date modified
- Date created
- Kind
- Size
- Path (the location of the file)
- Comments
- Tags
- Version
- Pages
- Authors/Artist
- Title
- Album
- Track Number
- Genre
- Year
- Duration
- Audio BitRate
- Audio Encoding Application
- Audio Sample Rate
- Audio Channels
- Dimensions
- Pixel Width
- Pixel Height
- Total Pixels
- Height DPI
- Width DPI
- Color Space
- Color Profile
- Alpha Channel:
- Creator
- Video Bit Rate
- Total Bit Rate
- Codecs
- Parent folder
- Location (parent-folder path)
Version 1.8.1:
Note: Currently available for $1.99
- Added new filters for columns:
- Comments
- Tags
- Authors
- Title
- Album
- Creator
- Folder
- md5
- sha256

File list Export for Mac 1.8.1 下载
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