Fantastical 2 Mac 破解版 最强大的日历工具

任务日历 版本号:2.5.13

2019-11-24 7,500 百度已收录

Fantastical 2是iOS & Mac 平台最知名的日历应用,增加很多新的功能,带来了诸多卓越的日历体验。Fantastical 2 采用了全新的设计风格,和 Yosemite 系统十分贴合,增加了大量新的功能,如Handoff协作、黑白颜色、完全时区、本地语言等等!

[Fantastical 在官网售价 49.95 美元]

Fantastical 2 2.5.13 Mac 破解版 介绍

Fantastical的设计者Flexibits结合了Fantastical的传统优势,实现了完整的桌面体验,给用户带来了全新的Fantastical 2。

Fantastical 2与前一代的最大区别在于,Fantastical 2现在作为一个完整的App可以让用户在独立窗口中查看全天、周、月、年界面。


且Fantastical 2还具有自定义日历这一大特色,它还同时支持Mac上已建立的iCloud、Google以及Yahoo等的日历服务。

Fantastical 2是你真正喜欢使用的Mac日历。创建一个充满幻想的活动是快速、简单和有趣的:


  • 键入您的事件细节并按return。
  • …而你又回到了你在日历上的一个闪亮的新事件中所做的事情!







你最喜欢的Mac日历服务:iCloud, MobileMe,谷歌日历或Yahoo!日历帐户:简单地将它们添加到Fantastical 2中,您就可以全部设置了。

What's New in Fantastical 2

Version 2.5.13:

  • Fantastical will ask you to reauthorize your G Suite account if Google Admin API access has been disabled by your organization
  • All-day reminders are shown more clearly in month view
  • Right-click or control-click on a map preview to choose to open the map in Apple Maps or Google Maps
  • Fixed Google Hangouts URLs appearing incorrectly for certain types of recurring events
  • Fixed a sync issue when encountering certain kinds of rare server errors
  • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.5.12:

  • Improved detection of upgraded Reminders on macOS Catalina

Version 2.5.11:

  • Support for Reminders on macOS Catalina
  • Support for Voice Control on macOS Catalina
  • Fixed an issue where Fantastical wouldn't reopen on the correct display when using multiple displays
  • Fixed an issue where Propose New Time would appear incorrectly on some Exchange events
  • Fixed an issue where syncing with Exchange Server 2007 didn't work for some people
  • Various fixes and improvements By the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us

Version 2.5.10:

  • Add an option to snooze 12 hours when clicking and holding on the Snooze button in a notification
  • Can now horizontally resize the preferences window on the Calendars tab
  • Internal performance improvements to the parser
  • Some yearly recurring events appearing as monthly in the description
  • Accepting invitations not applying the correct free/busy availability in some situations
  • Blank iCloud shared calendar notifications would sometimes appear
  • To invitations that don't request a response on Exchange 2013 servers
  • Propose New Time wouldn't appear for recurring events on Exchange accounts
  • Sending iCloud invitations in some time zones would result in the time in the email being off by an hour
  • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.5.9:

  • Fixed an issue connecting to some Exchange 2013 servers
  • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.5.8:

  • Event alerts are now sorted by when they will appear
  • Priority of reminders is now shown when printing
  • Fantastical no longer allows moving invitations between calendars on Exchange, as Exchange doesn't support it
  • Command-click on URLs in event or reminder details to open the link in the background
  • Accepting an invitation for a timed event marked as free will no longer automatically set the avaiability to busy
  • Birthdays on February 29 are now shown on February 28 instead of March 1 on non-leap years
  • Month and event list are now linked when using VoiceOver (use VO-J to switch between a day in the month and list)
  • Fixed an issue where the "Organize reminders by list" setting wouldn't sort reminders across multiple accounts correctly
  • Fixed an issue where completing reminders in the "more" section of the Month view wouldn't work
  • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.5.7:

  • Email All Invitees now automatically includes the title, location, time, and notes of the event in the email body
  • Search now includes invitee names and emails
  • Fixed an issue where Chinese birthdays with no year wouldn't appear correctly
  • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.5.6:

  • Added support for Tabloid and Tabloid Oversize paper sizes when printing
  • Fixed control-clicking in the Day, Week, or Month view sometimes causing a mouse drag to begin
  • Fixed completed reminder checkbox appearing the wrong color in some situations
  • Various fixes and improvements
Fantastical 2 Mac 破解版 最强大的日历工具-麦氪派

Fantastical 2 2.5.13 Mac 破解版 下载

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获取帮助 荔枝正版 2.5.12 下载 2.5.11 下载 2.5.10 下载 2.5.9 下载 2.5.8 下载 2.5.7 下载 2.5.6 下载 2.5.3 下载 2.5.2 下载 2.5.1 下载 2.4.9 下载 2.4.7 下载 2.4.3 下载 2.4 下载 2.3.8 下载                

