Fantastical 2 for Mac 2.5.1 破解版 – 最强大的日历工具


2018-07-19 4,013 百度已收录

Fantastical 2是iOS & Mac 平台最知名的日历应用,增加很多新的功能,带来了诸多卓越的日历体验。Fantastical 2 采用了全新的设计风格,和 Yosemite 系统十分贴合,增加了大量新的功能,如Handoff协作、黑白颜色、完全时区、本地语言等等!

[Fantastical 2 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币328元]

Fantastical 2 for Mac 2.5.1 介绍

Fantastical的设计者Flexibits结合了Fantastical的传统优势,实现了完整的桌面体验,给用户带来了全新的Fantastical 2。

Fantastical 2与前一代的最大区别在于,Fantastical 2现在作为一个完整的App可以让用户在独立窗口中查看全天、周、月、年界面。


且Fantastical 2还具有自定义日历这一大特色,它还同时支持Mac上已建立的iCloud、Google以及Yahoo等的日历服务。

Fantastical 2是你真正喜欢使用的Mac日历。创建一个充满幻想的活动是快速、简单和有趣的:


  • 键入您的事件细节并按return。
  • …而你又回到了你在日历上的一个闪亮的新事件中所做的事情!







你最喜欢的Mac日历服务:iCloud, MobileMe,谷歌日历或Yahoo!日历帐户:简单地将它们添加到Fantastical 2中,您就可以全部设置了。


Version 2.5.1:

  • Support for Add your Meetup account to Fantastical to view and attend your meetups
  • Added support for sending and receiving new time proposals on Exchange, iCloud, Google, and other CalDAV accounts
  • Added support for sending Exchange invitations that don't require responses from invitees
  • Added option to show timed events that span more than one day in the all-day section of the Day or Week views
  • Timed events that span more than one day will show their start and end times in the Month view (space permitting)
  • The mini window can now be placed in Split View full screen with other apps
  • Added option to show current calendar week in Dock icon or menu bar icon
  • Added URL handler to change calendar sets (x-fantastical://show/set?name=My Calendar Set)
  • Added ability to enable or disable multiple calendars at once when editing calendar sets by selecting multiple rows
  • Pressing the option key while editing the start time of an event will keep the end time the same
  • Selecting an event in Day or Week view and pressing control-option-up/down arrow adjusts the start time of the event and pressing control-shift-up/down arrow adjusts the end time
  • Using a mouse with a scroll wheel to scroll the Month view will now feel more natural
  • Improved labeling of Exchange invitations where the organizer didn't request a response
  • Improved labeling of custom anniversary dates from Contacts
  • Improved performance loading subscriptions with hundreds or thousands of events
  • Fixed an issue where dragging from OmniFocus wouldn't be shown at the correct time in Day or Week view
  • Various fixes and improvements
Fantastical 2 for Mac 2.5.1 破解版 – 最强大的日历工具-麦氪派
Fantastical 2 for Mac 2.5.1 破解版 – 最强大的日历工具-麦氪派
Fantastical 2 for Mac 2.5.1 破解版 – 最强大的日历工具-麦氪派
Fantastical 2 for Mac 2.5.1 破解版 – 最强大的日历工具-麦氪派
Fantastical 2 for Mac 2.5.1 破解版 – 最强大的日历工具-麦氪派

Fantastical 2 for Mac 2.5.1 下载

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