Evoland 2 for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 浓浓塞尔达风格的进化之地


2016-07-10 11,499 百度已收录

Evoland是一部用游戏讲述历史的游戏,带玩家体验RPG游戏各种玩法和进化史的游戏,游戏给人的体验非常特别。让玩家从游戏中纵观整个 RPG 游戏的进化史。

[Evoland 2 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币98元]

Evoland 2 for Mac 1.0.3 介绍

***Save 25% during launch week on the Mac App Store!***

Evoland 2 graphics style is changing as you travel through time and its gameplay evolves as you move along the storyline. It is also a real RPG at heart, with a deep scenario based on time travel: explore different eras and change the history of the world. But are you sure that the consequences will not make things worse?

Full of humor and references to classic games, the aptly named Evoland 2, A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder brings a truly epic and extraordinary adventure, unlike anything you’ve ever played before!


“It’s a mashup on a grand scale — and a successful one — bringing together many of the elements that make us love all those games individually.”

9/10 – Gamesbeat

“Evoland 2 manages to seamlessly blend an incredible number of genres into a single, wonderful experience.”

4/5 – Hardcoregamer

“One of the best games I have played for a long time!”

10/10 – Many Steam Players

Evoland 2 for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 浓浓塞尔达风格的进化之地-麦氪派
Evoland 2 for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 浓浓塞尔达风格的进化之地-麦氪派
Evoland 2 for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 浓浓塞尔达风格的进化之地-麦氪派
Evoland 2 for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 浓浓塞尔达风格的进化之地-麦氪派
Evoland 2 for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 浓浓塞尔达风格的进化之地-麦氪派

Evoland 2 for Mac 1.0.3 下载

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