EViews Student for Mac 9.0 序号版 – 计量经济学分析预测工具


2016-01-14 21,244 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。Eviews 软件是QMS(Quantitative Micro Software)公司开发的基于Windows平台下的应用软件,其前身是DOS操作系统下的TSP软件。该软件是由经济学家开发,主要应用在经济学领域,可用于回归分析预测(regression and forecasting)、时间序列(Time series)以及横截面数据(cross-sectional data )分析。与其他统计软件(如EXCEL、SAS、SPSS)相比,Eviews功能优势是回归分析预测

EViews Student for Mac 9.0 介绍

IHS, Inc., the leading global source of information and analytics, has released EViews 9. A major release of the world's leading econometric software package, EViews 9 is packed full of new features。

EViews offers academic researchers, corporations, government agencies, and students access to powerful statistical, forecasting, and modeling tools through an innovative, easy-to-use object-oriented interface。

EViews 9 Enterprise Edition is an enhanced version of EViews 8.1. The Enterprise Edition contains all of the features of EViews 9, plus support for ODBC and the proprietary data formats of several commercial data and database vendors。

Specifically, the Enterprise Edition allows direct access to ODBC databases or queries and provides transparent connection to Global Insight's DRIPro and DRIBase databanks, Haver Analytics DLX, FAME format databases, EcoWin databases, Datastream, FactSet, Moody's Economy.com, Macrobond Financial, CEIC. The familiar, easy-to-use EViews database interface has been extended to these data formats so that you may work with foreign databases as easily as native EViews databases。

EViews 9 features a wide range of exciting changes and improvements. The following is an overview of the most important new features in EViews 9。

EViews Student for Mac 9.0 序号版 – 计量经济学分析预测工具-麦氪派

EViews Student for Mac 9.0 下载


EViews Student for Mac 9.0 使用说明

Serial #: E9000001-3677AA7F-1BEFDD1A

Name: Donald Duck (or something else)

Key obtained by phone ...:JRZW7R-M3WUTA-RP9D4K-ZYGEB9-AQJBQZ-R4PX2E

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