EverWeb for Mac 2.4 破解版 – 优秀的网页开发工具


2017-11-01 2,299 百度已收录

EverWeb 是一款Mac上优秀的网页开发工具,支持中文界面,内置大量模板,只需要简单的拖拽就可以制作出精美的网页,很强大!

[EverWeb 在官网上售价19.95美元,约合人民币120元]

EverWeb for Mac 2.4 介绍

With EverWeb, anyone can create a professional website just by dragging and dropping. Use one of the built-in templates, or start completely from scratch and design the perfect website for your business or personal hobby. Add text, photos, video, widgets, and more to easily create the website you want.

EverWeb even creates mobile websites that look great on iPhones and iPads and includes powerful features such as: drop-down menus, social media integration, built-in SEO, Google Fonts support and so much more.

Publish your website online using EverWeb's one-click publishing solution or publish to your own web hosting provider.

EverWeb for Mac 2.4 破解版 – 优秀的网页开发工具-麦氪派

EverWeb for Mac 2.4 下载

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