Elmedia Player Pro for Mac 6.5.2 破解版 – 在线视频下载和视频播放的工具


2016-08-18 4,995 百度已收录

Elmedia Player Pro 是一款集成了在线视频下载和视频播放的工具,Elmedia Player能够通过软件内置的浏览器直接下载在线视频,包括优酷、土豆、Youtube等视频网站,还支持常见格式视频的播放,如FLV, SWF, XAP ,AVI, MOV, MP4, WMV, DIVX等视频格式,界面很漂亮,很不错!

[Elmedia Player 在Mac App Store上售价人民币19元]

Elmedia Player Pro for Mac 6.5.2

Elmedia Player is a free media player for Mac that supports various video and audio formats, including FLV, SWF, MP4, AVI, MOV, MP4, DAT, MP3, etc. The app features built-in web browser that allows you to watch online videos directly from the app, while Open URL lets you to do it without noisy ads. There is plenty Elmedia offers to enhance your viewing experience: 10-band equalizer to shape your audio tone, video tuner to make your videos better, video aspect ratio change to fit image into screen, optimize your video viewing by adjusting playback speed, A-B loop to repeat a video segment playback, on-screen display for actions such as pausing playback, flipping, rotating images.

Add hardware accelerated decoding to the list -- it can significantly unload the processor, helps avoiding video slowdown, helps with sound to video sync, etc. Elmedia can play video in full screen mode or pin player window on top of other running apps so you do not miss a moment of a movie. The player has its own volume control, enables you to edit subtitles, and more。


Version 6.5.2:

  • AirPlay support (content streaming to and from compatible devices) - PRO version;
  • chapters support for MKV files;
  • the ability to automatically switch to fullscreen mode on playback start;
  • the ability to automatically close Elmedia at the end of playback;
  • the ability to move forward frame by frame in a video that is currently paused;
  • the ability to bookmark the current position in a video for quick access;
  • screenshots can now be saved in JPG format - PRO version;
  • screenshots can be captured at a predefined time interval (from 0.05 s to 3500 s) and frame by frame - PRO version;
  • new localization: Dutch (Netherlands).
  • better support of embedded metadata for audio files (cover art, artist, track name, etc.);
  • improved touchpad gesture controls (rewinding/fast-forwarding, changing volume);
  • the window title bar gets automatically hidden on playback.
  • automatic discovery of external audio tracks.
Elmedia Player Pro for Mac 6.5.2 破解版 – 在线视频下载和视频播放的工具-麦氪派
Elmedia Player Pro for Mac 6.5.2 破解版 – 在线视频下载和视频播放的工具-麦氪派
Elmedia Player Pro for Mac 6.5.2 破解版 – 在线视频下载和视频播放的工具-麦氪派
Elmedia Player Pro for Mac 6.5.2 破解版 – 在线视频下载和视频播放的工具-麦氪派

Elmedia Player Pro for Mac 6.5.2

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