El Capitan Cache Cleaner for Mac 10.0.5 序号版 – 优秀的系统维护工具


2016-06-07 3,494 百度已收录

El Capitan Cache Cleaner 是一款 Mac 上另一款出色的系统维护工具,看名字就知道,兼系统垃圾清理、系统优化、系统维护等于一身,如缓存清理、启动项管理、内存优化、权限修复等等功能,非常的实用!

[El Capitan Cache Cleaner 在官网上售价14.99美元,约合人民币90元]

El Capitan Cache Cleaner for Mac 10.0.5 介绍

El Capitan Cache Cleaner is an award-winning general purpose tool for OS X. ElCC makes system maintenance simple with an easy point-and-click interface to many OS X functions. Novice and expert users alike will appreciate the powerful toolset ElCC provides. El Capitan Cache Cleaner is one of the world's leading maintenance tools, with millions of downloads around the globe.

  • Maintenance. El Capitan Cache Cleaner is a one-stop solution for all of your OS X maintenance needs. Intel or PPC, Tiger or El Capitan, ElCC has the tools to keep your system running at its best.
  • Optimization. El Capitan Cache Cleaner can improve system performance by tuning Internet and file cache settings, implementing RAM disks, and cleaning out various cached and stale data.
  • Customization. El Capitan Cache Cleaner lets you control your OS X experience. Turn off Spotlight or Dashboard, or turn on a Login Items folder.
  • Disaster Planning. El Capitan Cache Cleaner lets you create a bootable installer USB drive from your El Capitan download that will boot and install El Capitan on any supported machine.
  • Antivirus. El Capitan Cache Cleaner helps protect your system from malware. ElCC adds three additional layers of malware protection to Lion, and ships with the powerful ClamAV antivirus built in.


Version 10.0.5:

  • Adds ability to disable Photos auto launch when connecting devices
  • Improves OS X customization
  • Updates ClamAV to 0.99.2
  • Updated for OS X 10.11.5
  • Minor optimizations and improvements
El Capitan Cache Cleaner for Mac 10.0.5 序号版 – 优秀的系统维护工具-麦氪派

El Capitan Cache Cleaner for Mac 10.0.5 下载

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