EazyDraw Mac 破解版 矢量绘图应用程序

原生中文 版本号:9.5.0

2019-11-18 4,190 百度已收录

EazyDraw mac 破解版是mac上一款非常强大的矢量绘图工具,具有简单的矢量绘图编辑功能,帮助您建立简单、非摄影图形、技术图表和插图!EazyDraw 破解版包含了一个平衡的功能集,提供了对于对位图和矢量图形格式的全面支持,其中包括技术绘图,Web和App图形设计,打印发布,徽标,页面文本布局等所需的工具。

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EazyDraw 9.5.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

EazyDraw for Mac是新的矢量绘图范例的主要绘图应用程序。EazyDraw将最新的macOS技术与原始Mac绘图程序的创新优雅结合在一起。



包括对位图和矢量图形格式的全面支持:导入和取消组合以编辑PDF和EPS。导入和导出SVG和DXF。使用RGB或CMYK印刷色预览并发布到EPS和TIFF。使用DXF交换缩放的CAD图纸。发布Web图形。创建Mac,iPhone和iPad App开发图形和图标。视网膜上的Effulgent。EazyDraw 8的用户界面针对最新的Retina 5k技术进行了优化。用户界面图形是双重掌握的高分辨率图标和图像。使用EazyDraw创建5k显示内容。应用程序和Web开发人员可以使用EazyDraw设计和生成多图像5 k png图形或SVG矢量主用户界面元素。


What's New in EazyDraw

Version 9.5.0:

  • Fully tested and integrated with the new mobile EazyDraw versions for iPhone and iPad. Download the EazyDraw companion app to your mobile device: open the App Store from your mobile device (iPhone or iPad). Search for EazyDraw - you will need to spell it out correctly with the z. Download and install, the mobile version is free - no charges, no subscriptions. Exchange drawings and/or individual graphics with Hand-off copy and paste. Move drawings to and from the mobile device using the new Catalina Finder capability or iCloud. Drawing format, both EazyDraw Binary and Graphic formats, are the same for mobile EazyDraw and EazyDraw 9.
  • Finalized Catalina support. All is stable on macOS 10.15, Catalina.
  • Fixed issue opening drawings saved from EazyDraw Version 6 that contained PNG or JPG images. The images were often flipped, up and down directions. This is now fixed .
  • Changed the orientation for exported PNG and JPG images. These were not displayed properly by several Linux and Windows apps. The images were prepared correctly and displayed properly on most apps including Preview. However, apps that did not read and respect meta-data defining the image orientation would display the images upside-down. The EazyDraw exports were flipped and, of course, noted accordingly in the metadata. Now all apps should display the images properly.

Version 9.3.4:

  • Fully tested on Catalina, macOS 10.15, golden master release from Apple
  • Integrated with Universal Clipboard to share copy and paste with iPad and iPhone devices.. This provides for copy and paste across devices
  • Fully tested for round trip exchange of drawings with EazyDraw for macOS and EazyDraw for iPadOS and iOS. Testing assured accurate and faithful edit across all 3 operating systems, using both iCloud and Files on iOS
  • Fixed a bug with save for Pivot interactive graphics

Version 9.3.2:

  • Corrected DXF import. Recent versions of EazyDraw for Mojave had problems properly converting DXF NURBs to Bezier curves. This is now fixed.
  • Corrected y-axis flipped bitmap image. Rare situation, involves images that had no y-axis meta-data that were created with older versions of EazyDraw, then used by EazyDraw versions 8 (late versions, 8.7 and later). These images would open once in correct orientation then second save (or Duplicate of the drawing) would experience a y-axis flip. This situation is now corrected
EazyDraw Mac 破解版 矢量绘图应用程序-麦氪派
EazyDraw Mac 破解版 矢量绘图应用程序-麦氪派
EazyDraw Mac 破解版 矢量绘图应用程序-麦氪派
EazyDraw Mac 破解版 矢量绘图应用程序-麦氪派
EazyDraw Mac 破解版 矢量绘图应用程序-麦氪派

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