Dropzone 3 for Mac 3.6.4 破解版 – 实用的文件拖拽操作效率工具


2017-10-29 2,030 百度已收录

Dropzone 是一款Mac上的文件拖拽操作增强工具,这款软件可以让我们把大部分工作都通过拖拽来完成,比如保存文本、发送邮件、FTP上传、打开应用等等,只需要将文件拖拽到菜单栏上的窗口中即可,并且我们完全可以定制化这些操作,可以在官网上下载定制好的各种动作。

[Dropzone 3 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

Dropzone 3 for Mac 3.6.4 介绍

Dropzone makes it faster and easier to copy and move files, open applications and share files with many different services.

Dropzone 3 is a unique and amazing app that's like nothing you've ever used before.

We've paid fanatical attention to every detail and built an app that looks and feels like an integral part of OS X.

Dropzone ships with a powerful scripting API and with a little programming knowledge you can modify any of your actions or even create entirely new ones. This gives Dropzone unlimited extendability and utility. We're always thinking up new actions so Dropzone will become even more useful over time.

Drop Bar is a brand new feature in Dropzone 3 that makes it easy to stash files you know you'll need later. Just drop files on the target and they stick there until you're ready to use them. You can even combine groups of files into stacks and then drop them onto a Dropzone action or onto another app.

Setup your customizable grid of actions how you want and swap in different actions as your needs change.

  • Open applications, move and copy files faster than ever before.
  • Share with Twitter, Flickr, Facebook or Messages
  • Shorten URLs quickly using the newly added Goo.gl shortener. Just select a URL to shorten and press Ctrl+Option+Cmd+S and the shortened URL is automatically copied to the clipboard.
  • AirDrop integration lets you drop files or folders from any app and share them with your other Macs over the network.
  • Imgur integration lets you share images fast and get a link for pasting. It even allows you to drop multiple images to create an Imgur album. You can use it with or without an Imgur account and it comes setup and ready to go.
  • Upload via FTP and Amazon S3.
  • Download and install add-on actions that let you upload to services like Google Drive, YouTube and many others.
  • Notification Center notifications let you know when your actions finish.
  • Powerful multi-tasking engine allows you to run multiple tasks at once and track the progress of each one through the in-grid task status area.
  • See how tasks are progressing at a glance in the animated menu item.
  • Reorder your actions quickly via drag and drop.
  • Launch Dropzone actions with the newly added keyboard shortcuts feature
  • Add applications, folders or actions to your grid easily by dragging and dropping them on the Add to Grid area.
  • Develop your own actions using the updated and massively improved Ruby or Python API.

We're always working to improve Dropzone and we're going to bring you many free feature updates and more actions in future. We'd love to hear what you think of the app, you can get in touch via the App Store “Support” link, or tweet us @aptonic.


Version 3.6.4:

  • Added a setting to the preferences to disable the drag target overlay
  • Fixed issue where grid would appear in an incorrect position when using Bartender to manage menu items
  • Fixed issue where filenames with certain characters would not open when using the Open Application action
Dropzone 3 for Mac 3.6.4 破解版 – 实用的文件拖拽操作效率工具-麦氪派
Dropzone 3 for Mac 3.6.4 破解版 – 实用的文件拖拽操作效率工具-麦氪派
Dropzone 3 for Mac 3.6.4 破解版 – 实用的文件拖拽操作效率工具-麦氪派
Dropzone 3 for Mac 3.6.4 破解版 – 实用的文件拖拽操作效率工具-麦氪派

Dropzone 3 for Mac 3.6.4 下载

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