DropSync for Mac 3.1.2 破解版 – 多文件自动同步利器


2016-05-07 3,776 百度已收录

Dropsync 是Mac os平台上的一款帮助用户在不同的平台上同步文件夹的Mac文件管理软件,Dropsync使用非常的方便,能够轻松的将文件夹在网络上进行备份Dropsync打破了 Dropbox 无法双向同步资料限制,操作简单,不需要折腾命令行,更亲近用户。

[DropSync 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币16元]

DropSync for Mac 3.1.2 介绍

DropSync is a folder updater for web developers, photo professionals, scientists or anyone in need of a fast, automated and highly customizable way to repeatedly copy files from one place to another. Works with removable hard drives, between computers on a local network and even between your mac and a remote server over SSH. Set up a pair of folders and easily browse both sides even if one folder is on a remote server (via sftp). Then select items for include/exclude and click to perform an update in the desired direction. Previews show you exactly what will be changed and once you're satisfied that things are working, you can setup DropSync to automatically watch a source folder and update in the background. Under the hood DropSync uses the amazing rsync tool to perform its changes. This means that its about as fast and memory efficient as a syncing engine can get, and we've worked hard to ensure that DropSync itself will stay responsive even when huge syncs are happening in the background.

  • Easily include/exclude subfolders using the built-in browser
  • Automated (one-way) syncing when a file changes in the source folder
  • Status bar only mode lets you monitor and initiate syncs without opening the main app
  • Detailed searchable previews
  • An SFTP based browser that lets you see and select folders on remote computers
  • Custom filters let you include or exclude files based on patterns in filenames
  • Browsable history of syncing activity, including detailed logs of every change
  • Only transfers the parts of files that have changed for maximum speed over a network
  • AppleScript support lets you create custom syncing workflows
  • Almost complete support for custom rsync options
DropSync for Mac 3.1.2 破解版 – 多文件自动同步利器-麦氪派
DropSync for Mac 3.1.2 破解版 – 多文件自动同步利器-麦氪派
DropSync for Mac 3.1.2 破解版 – 多文件自动同步利器-麦氪派
DropSync for Mac 3.1.2 破解版 – 多文件自动同步利器-麦氪派
DropSync for Mac 3.1.2 破解版 – 多文件自动同步利器-麦氪派

DropSync for Mac 3.1.2 下载

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